whats going on in amherst lately?

so…last night, im driving down Transit taking my gf home. im doing within 2 mph of the speed limit, and i see an Amherst cop behind me. i don’t worry about it because i’m not doing anything wrong.

not too far after we cross N. French, he throws the lights on. wtf. so i pull over, get my license, reg and insurange stuff all together, and put the window down. i look in the mirror and see the cop walking up to me, all giddy looking like pulling me over just made his day. he walks up to my car, shines his flashlight on my window (which is still rolled up maybe 2-3") and his “im gonna get you good” look went away real fast. the following conversation ensued:

Officer: uhh…may i see your license please?
i give it to him
Officer: umm, where are you headed tonight?
Me: i’m taking my girlfriend home.
Officer: well, umm where does she live?
Me: Lockport
Officer: oh, well where are you coming from?
Me: Transit bowling lanes.
Officer: and you’re taking Transit to go back to go back to Lockport?
Me: umm yeah?
Officer: i see. well, i pulled you over because of your tinted windows.
i look at my windows, which have no tint on them and are crystal clear, and look back at the cop
Me: uh, ok?
Officer: i saw your windows were tinted when you drive by me. so i pulled you over.
i look at my windows again to make sure im not seeing things
Me: well, one of your fellow officers pulled me over and wrote me a ticket for my tints about 3 weeks ago.
Officer: yes, i saw that when I ran your plate.
Me: and i took them off the next day and got the ticket dismissed because I didn’t want to get pulled over for tints anymore
Officer: yeah, uhh well i suppose that was probably a good idea, wasnt it?
Me: i would have thought so, but-
cop interrupts me mid sentence, throw my license back at me
Officer: well you’re free to go but cinsider this a warning!"
cop walks back to his car, pulls a u-tun and speeds off going the other way

i think i made him feel like an idiot because he though he had me lol. im not sure what i could “consider this a warning” for, but oh well. I laughed about it.