So how many people DIDN'T take the rest of the week off.....

and stuck at work…doing NOTHING

i walk into my office this morning…i now cant feel my hands it’s so cold in here.

at least there was no traffic this morning.

This guy.

and i think our heat is broken… :confused:

i hope we can leave and just work from home


i’m working every day this week but Tuesday.

This is the best week to be at work. Dont have to deal with anyone.

your a baby. lol put your jacket on, your gay scarf and mittens and start working. :gay:

   i have to sit in font of this gay ass computer till 430 and talk to these morons and set up there brand new computers that there kids bought for them/parents bought for them.      ohhhh  yeeaaaaa!!!!

^^ lol… i have a jacket on…not working!!! stupid kevin

but yea…at least i wont be doing a damn thing today

and fucking LOL and new setups.

god i dont miss that one bit

ugh I am so bored and so tiredddd…

hahaha so far i have taken 4 calls and 3 of them have been setups for people who have just gotten a new computer for christmas. i swear if i do more than 10 setups today im going to lose my damn mind.

me :frowning:

yeah…I’m at work, and our phones are down! Yay!


no one is here… for the first time in about 6 months i got a good parking spot …but i have nothing to do b/c no one is here so :gotme:

guy is in here trying to fix our heat

ahaha i hope he fixes it so now it just gets to hot and never turns off. so then you can complain about how hot it is. lol


simply the entire office is gone, and as a result there is nothing to do BUT get ahead of the game and catch up on any random things that were unintentionally overlooked. it might be boring at first, but once you realize you can get a shit load of stuff done without being bothered with meetings or idiots, it’s pretty BA.

i will admit im really tired tho:violin2:

at work also…

i think a lot of people are working this week, i hope its slow although it iS month/quarter/year end

yeah…i’m about to take a nap.