Motivational pics

Definitely Dunnville, definitely.

i think thats OJ’s car…

i have never been to shannonville nor dunnville. i am POSITIVE that is cayuga.

kinda looks like cayuga still… are the grounds paved behind the stands at cayuga tho? i thought it was gravel!

my walbro pump got more pressure than that water wonder the whole car got burned down !!! looks like those dudes were about to give up lol

whereever that is i wouldnt want my car to ketch a fire there lol

Its neither… some place in the states… no front plate holes.

I guess that guy really didnt like his brown interior… But its still a 240!

“And another one bites the dust”

its not dunnville mainly because dunnville doesnt have stands like that. its not cayuga nor shannonville because first none of them have yellow “parking” lines painted on their gravel like the picture, cayuga doesnt have any kind of shed right behind the stands (the only shed they have is where they sell food which is colored orange and not blue, cayuga and shannonville doesnt have grass in between the stands and the track like in this picture, lastly theres stands on both sides of the track which none of those places have. so it clearly is not any of those places.


wrong person to pick on. hahahaha

im still saving that pic where you have your penis tucked in. that one im gonna use for a very special occasion. hahaha.

martino already used that one.

stop making posters and just come here help me take off my caliper!! hahaha.

ahahah nice one chris… he has a glowstick lol

someone has it short and thin and glowing