motorcycle carbs?

having some problems with the bike i bought, carbs were all gummed up, cleaned them up put it back together, put the jets in that the kid had for it (it has a pipe) and now it wont run unless the choke is on, and it idles at like 3k, i can bring down the idle with the choke but if i bring it past half way it dies. the idle adjustment doesnt seem to do anything but would the choke have to be closed to see any change there? idk im new to bikes, and carbs. if anyone is good with this stuff and feels like helping me trouble shoot let me know…


carb or carbs? they may need to get snyconized ) just use the tip of a pencil make sure both slides are at the same highth) there should be a screw on the air box side and/or motor side air side = air screw motor side is a fuel screw you need less air it seems like to me, choke in an enrichenment circuit on carbs
you may also have 1 screw that is a air/fuel screw alone, more typical on 2 strokes from what ive seen
so either less fuel or more air

did it run before you changed the jets?

well i got it running better, idles with choke off, sometimes. i am pretty sure i need to do the adjust the valves and then sync the carbs, anyone have a guage to sync carbs?? (this is a 97 bandit, 4cyl, it has 4 carbs, but i could do it with one guage)

the pencil trick works as i posted b4, take a pencil, stick it in the carb, will leave marks where the slides at idle. does your bike have a valve in the exhaust? if thats tweaked or not connected it will run like crap, it controls the sound waves in the exhaust