Motorcylist killed by driver painting finger nails

I sincerely hope the DA pursues more criminal charges against this menace. In a better world she would have her license revoked.

I hope they get some sense and put here away for man slaugher, that is stupid. She shouldn’t ever be allowed to drive again

People that cause accidents :tdown:

we should cut her toes off.

…and then make her eat them. And then burn her. And then I’ll let my cat poop in her ashes.

I hope the bitch dies a horrible death unfathomable by anyone who rides motorcycles…it’d be the only suiting punishment.

I hate hearing about this kind of stuff.

Another example that scares me out of getting a bike year after year.

wow my dad rides a bike. She should be put in jail and never allowed to drive again. Her stupidity caused another person there life

I think bikers that are not in motion should have pedestrian status.
It might make punishments more effective.

She TOLD police she hadn’t noticed the light was red because she was painting her nails…

that’s like saying “i was swerving because I’m fucking wasted, officer.”

she should be behind bars.

Cut her HANDS off!!!