is it me or what?

everyone i know is going down.

yesterday marshchik82 and i was out riding. i took her on some nice roads that are good for begininers. then headed up to PTI and had her practice the MSF course. after that we headed down 978 inot bridgeville. as we came east on 50 so we could make the left on the orangebelt in heldelberg[by krispy cremes]and this asshole honks his horn and the dude in front of him starts to pull ahead thru his redlight[not paying attention] im already aroudn the bend an i look in my left mirror as i make my turns wide so Marshchik could take them on the inside. i dont see her in my left mirror i look in my right mirror and she just went airborn into the curb. the fcking dude ran off. runing the redlight. she landed on her shoulder which was on a boulder. if it wasnt for her padding in her jacket she would be alot worse as the spot she landed in was alot of rocks and htat. her helmet is scratched up but ok. i called my dad to come get the bike as it has a bent bar and she couldnt ride it. plastics on the ninja just crack way to easy. just put a fcking tire on it and brakes. then waxed it she is pissed about that. anyways. took her to get checked out she dislocated her shoulder. will be ok just has to let the stuff in teh shoulder recover. the doctor put it back in place. her dad came rigth as soon as she got out ot the hospital. her dad drove all teh way from youngstown to see her daughter. we spoke he isnt mad at her and is actually proud of her becasue of her riding. but does know being in the law enforcement that other cagers dont pay attention all the time. she did put 50 miles on it yesterday not including the hour and half in the MSF parking lot

all these situations, are they trying to tell me get off the bike?

bikes are a hazard, hope jaime is ok.

Damn man, sorry to hear that. Atleast she is allright.

thats a very bad intersection along with the intersection of thoms run and rt50 where the little girl died. if the fire dept came to this, i think i heard something about it on my radio, but please dont let anything happen in my area ( mainly mcd’s on rt50 to chucky cheese on rt50) i dont wanna come on scene to see people i know

Hope she’s ok !!! the problem isnt the skilled and smart riders its the assholes who like to go 150 thru trafic !

as you know this, but a biker’s #1 fear isnt screwing up. It’s how other drivers screw up

even in the Motorcycle racing world, You get no love.

Damn quick, hope nothing else is screw up that may pop up later. Jenn told me about the other thread with your two buddies that I didn’t see.

Good luck and Be safe.

it was thomas run road. the road this happend on

thats lame of that guy to just leave…

im glad i live in the suburbs…

suburbs i thought you lived in the sticks:confused:

jamie, said thanks for all the concern from everyone that knows her and also from the others that dont

Glad she is okay… I’m glad i put approx. 3,600 miles on my ninja over two summers and never layed it down or wrecked. But i’m glad of one thing, “i sold it.” Yes i miss it each nice day but atleast i don’t have to worry about people missing me each day. Becareful, Ronda