Motorcylist killed by driver painting finger nails

The article says it all,painting-nails-driver-fatal-crash-050509.article

I guess they aren’t charging her for killing the girl on the bike even though she didn’t stop at a red light? At least not right now.


Ugh. She’ll get a slap on the wrist.


Exactly the reason why I don’t, and probably never will own a motorcycle.

At least I am semi-safe in a small car.

jesus christ. i hope she gets vehicular manslaughter of criminally negligent homicide.

Unfuckingbelievable, there has to be more charges coming her way.

Zaffke was thrown “a couple hundred feet," according to Keller, who said she was wearing a helmet at the time of the crash.

how could this be right. a full size basketball court is only 94 feet long.

If the girl on the bike was doing 60+ I can see her not coming to a stop for a couple hundred feet.

“Zaffke’s motorcycle was stopped at a red light at the intersection – which Morrison described as being T-shaped with a stoplight – when a Chevrolet Impala struck the bike from behind at a high rate of speed, Morrison said.”

the bike was not moving.

edit: doesn’t mean she couldn’t travel a couple hundred feet, i’m just saying.

That sucks.

Bike tail lights should not need strobes like the one on the 198 @ parkside.

This is the type of stuff that really scares me

is right this woman died because some retarded park avenue bitch was PAINTING HER NAILS!! wtf this is terrifying

Why is this surprising or Extra scary?

People do the dumbest things imaginable while driving.
Odds are they will hit a biker once in a while.

It just serves as a reminder that the sheople can not drive and you need to watch your back as nobody else on the road gives a damn.

Everybody on a bike has near miss stories. Unfortunately, not all stories end with a near miss.

IMO, this is the hardest accident to avoid, but I’m sure they happen all the time.


there arent enough words to describe how disturbing this is

+1. It’s why I have a class DM license but no bike anymore. I had two near miss stories back when I rode and that was enough. You come out ahead a couple times and you realize you’re quickly using up your karma.

She better get charged. Her insurance is probably going to pay the limits on this, but that isnt enough. The woman in the car needs to be charged.

The article indicates that the investigation is still pending but “there should be charges.” People need to pay for their mistakes…

God that is ridiculous.

Stuff like this worries me, but at the same time I guess I ride because of that risk, just my personality I suppose.

Horrible to hear though, I hope the driver gets fucked somehow.

This is extremely sad and unfortunate, I hope justice is served.

However, even when I am at stops, intersections, etc I keep an eye on EVERYTHING. I had someone skid to a stop while I was the first one at a light at night a few summers ago, and ever since then I always watch traffic in my mirrors behind me when at an intersection. Unfortunately, bikers have to be on the defense 100% of the time.


We might come off as dicks on the road but this example just goes to show why.

People don’t see us. That is a fact and we all know it.

If any of you read this, at the very least take away the understanding that we are out there, try to respect that fact.