Motorola-Continental closing

I know I sound like a broken record but here is another manufacturing plant closing.
Maybe these 380 people can get good jobs in the service sector.
I hear WalMart is hiring.:gotme:
Timing is everything, election day is next week and Jack Davis is fighting for American manufacturers.


We dont want to lose dollars per hour or benefits but we will lose our jobs to overseas subsidiaries :tup:

just feeding my desire to move out of this area.

but seriously, what the hell could possibly stop this downward spiral?
fuck it. carolinas here i come!

Isn’t that where Bret (neurokinetik) works?

thats bull shit. what did that specific plant manufactur. there tires suck

I think so… and since the article said that employees were notified this morning, he may not know since he doesn’t start work until the afternoon. :frowning:

I think sensors, accelerometers, MAFs…

Education. Period. Nothing else.

Low cost overseas labor and high cost local union labor ending big local manufacturing will reach completion. High skilled/high tech niche market design and manufacturing will take over.

2-3 generations ago, you could be successful by working hard without a high school degree. 1-2 generations ago you could be successful by working hard with a high school degree. Our generation can only be successful by working hard with a college degree.

They have schools in China and India too. Instead of what many people once thought would happen with “globalization”, that the rest of the world would look more like the US (prosperous middle class, stable democracy, “melting pot” culture) it seems like the US is going to be looking more like the rest of the world (haves and have-nots, unstable politics, ethnic strife).

China is really hurting us with their undervalued economy and undervalued monetary unit. These plants are all moving to asia because they have to to stay competitive. No matter what it is, they can do it cheaper and more efficient overseas because their employees don’t get 40k a year and a pension.

When Clinton signed that trade agreement with china, he didn’t think of the big picture. We send china cotton and corn, they send us apex dvd players. Now they are dumping stuff onto every aspect of the us market, and slowly buying up this country.

Just take a look at the price difference between a continental tire, and a kuhmo tire. Same can be said for the MAF units, and electronics they made at the plant here.

Yes its sad, but people have to change and educate themselves, and become innovators to make money. Not just graduate high school, and expect to make 50 grand a year working at chevy (no offence to anyone of course), but times have changed.

I agree completely with what you have said here. Not only is it the education, what you specifically major in. You can be successful and still live in WNY, just make yourself marketable.

Yep, the world’s changing quickly. Surprise! The low wage masses in China and India are educated and can do our high skilled jobs… FUCK! Back to school we better go if we want to stay one step ahead.

Oh shit. My mom’s friend is the purchasing manager there. Well, that’s the last position I knew she held. :frowning:

Millionaire Jack Davis? I get pissed whenever i hear those anti jack davis ads, meanwhile he seems to be a good guy.

i know they made key FOBs.

not that my company is vary stable, our only real engineers hubby works there
and now she can’t even think about leaving here unless she finds something better.

asia is not necesarily more efficient, they are much cheaper.
the efficientcy will come from how much effort corporations put into the offshore facilites. same goes for quality. both are difficult to manage from the other side of the world.

the US needs to produce leading edge technology type stuff, then hand dump it off to asia or whomever and start on the next big thing.

we are buying ourselves into oblivion. profit margins > livelyhood

My problem with Davis, and anyone who just pushes the idea of a tariff is their solution is too one sided.

You need a plan with:
Incentives for companies manufacturing here (Read TAX BREAKS FOR CORPORATIONS)
A small tariff
Reworked union rules
Lower health care costs

The problem is that first one. When you give a corporation a tax break Democrats bitch that you’re giving tax breaks to the rich. Then stupid middle class America thinks that’s bad because they didn’t get a tax break, and they bitch. Well guess what. Tell those 380 people who don’t have jobs anymore that the next Democrat Prez is going to give them a 2k a year tax cut and see how happy they are. 2k a year doesn’t go very far when you don’t have a job.

people can not/do not look past their own circumstances.

we are all brought up to be and think like individuals.
nobody wants to work for common good… theres no money in it.

and why should we. kids today dont have to care about high school, or education.
they just want to be free to do whatever they want w/o reprocussions.
and thats the message they get every time they get hand outs or soemthing is dumbed down.

We spent $117B on fat people in 2005, but $56B on education. If you think education is the key, then we need to put our money there. I think we should have the best education at every level.

quality educations start with quality students :smiley:

Wow. How are we spending this $ on fat people? I love finding out what puts education on the back burner, like killing thousands of civilians in Iraq.