Uncle in Paper, Page A3... good stuff.

A3 in particular. My uncle wrote an “advertisement” there and I wanted to show it to you guys… it is 2 full pages so it’d be a PITA to scan. Any of you know how I can view it?

If you can’t find it either, I suggest you pull out the paper and check it out. Its kinda lengthy for the non-internet-readers, but it is a very good read, and I hope everyone learns something from it.



Jack Davis states November 18, 2003

“Globalization and free trade does not work. It is destroying our wealth-producing industries and the jobs that have created our middle class.”

Buffalo News headline November 21, 2005
GM to close nine plants
30,000 Jobs To Be Cut
Jack Davis asks today
Will you believe me now?

We are not deaf, dumb or blind. Why can’t we comprehend that when we lose our manufacturing industries we weaken our economy and our ability to defend our country.

Domestic production is the economic activity that creates useful products, that is wealth and income, and when taxed, income for the state.

We are importing more and producing less in American-owned factories.

We are closing or selling our irreplaceable wealth-producing companies.

By closing plants and/or transferring production to foreign countries, it creates wealth in that country. When we buy their products our wealth is reduced, that is transferred to that country.

Every dollar of U.S. production is front loaded with the costs of thousands of regulations, fees and taxes that increase the costs of U.S. products by up to 80 percent. Social Security alone adds 15.3 percent to the cost of labor.

When imported products cross American borders tax-free American manufactured products are put at a huge price disadvantage.

The idea of no taxes at borders, i.e. free trade, was originated by an English economist David Ricardo over 100 years ago. It was called The Theory of Comparative Costs; today it’s called the Theory of Comparative Advantage.

The theory may have worked one hundred years ago when we were an agricultural society. Ricardo in his wildest dreams could never have imagined multinational corporations with factories in many nations able to transfer hundreds of millions of dollars or choose the country where products will be manufactured with a touch of a keyboard.

Ricardo was even less likely to have envisioned China, a country with a controlled economy, a population of 1.3 billion with a stated mission of wanting to be the world’s manufacturer and having that ability.

I am sure Ricardo would be the first to admit the theory of comparative costs would not work under those conditions.

The majority of Americans – the blue, grey and white-collar workers know free trade is a job killer.

The wealthy, the elite and the elected of both parties kneel blindly at the altar of free trade. What will it take to convince them they are wrong?

The Chinese, Japanese, South Koreans, Germans, French, and Mexican government leaders, and many others don’t believe in free trade. Their leaders know manufacturing produces jobs and wealth. They protect their jobs and industries with tariffs and other methods.

All industrialized countries target U.S. industries just like the Japanese targeted our electronic entertainment industry.

Liberals and Conservatives have repeatedly stated that outsourcing is good for Americans and that the economy is improving. I disagree with both.

Over the last 20 years we have accumulated a trade deficit of over 4 trillion dollars. This year it is estimated to be 700 billion dollars, a new record. This is a trade deficit of 2 billion dollars a day.

We have a National debt of over 7 trillion dollars; one-third owed to the Asians. This year the increase in our National debt is estimated at over 333 billion dollars, before Katrina.

Medicare will be broke by 2019 and Social Security insolvent by 2042. There is no Social Security lock box – it is pay as you go. Fewer industries, fewer jobs, means fewer corporations and fewer workers being taxed. Therefore lower payments into Social Security. Therefore, earlier insolvency.

The largest auto parts manufacturer in the U.S. Delphi filed for bankruptcy, possibly negating contractual obligations of wages, health benefits, and pensions to present and retired employees. There will be other companies doing the same thing.

The U.S. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. that insures retirement benefits to employees of bankrupt corporations is under funded by 450 billion dollars.

Crude oil and natural gas prices have doubled over the last two years.

A good case can be made that our gasoline at $2.68 a gallon was driven by China’s booming export economy being fed by U.S. consumers and it was ignited by our free trade policies.

If you stand at a machine or sit at a desk, your job is not safe. If you are retired or considering retirement your Social Security benefits are not guaranteed and are in danger. The Social Security payments depend on U.S. companies paying U.S. wages to U.S. workers.

Many call for an “all-out effort” by labor and management leaders to save jobs and industries. They have failed to understand the real problem.

If everyone in the auto industry from the presidents to floor sweepers were paid our minimum wage of $5.15/hour we still could not compete with the Chinese wages of pennies an hour.

The problem originated in Washington and therefore must be corrected in Washington.

We have lost the electronics industry, i.e. TV, cameras, VCR, DVD’s and personal computers. We are losing auto, ceramics, glass, steel, textiles, garments, plastics, toys, furniture, machine tools, die casting, powdered metal industries, and losing all the jobs too. There is not an industry that has not been downsized.

U.S. manufacturing employment is at its lowest level in 55 years and it is not the result of improved efficiencies.

General Motors, Ford and Daimler Chrysler are losing U.S. market share declining from 73 percent to 60 percent in '04. Japanese, Europeans and Koreans all increased their market share. We will soon be importing Chinese autos, priced below ten thousand dollars. This will cause the U.S. auto companies and their suppliers a further decline in their market share.

General Motors plans to increase Chinese parts purchases from 3 billion dollars to 10 billion dollars by 2010. These will replace parts now being made by Americans.

Over the last 50 years, government officials, corporate officers, and small businessmen have made decisions to increase the pay of American workers. This provided the workers with a standard of living unequaled anywhere in the world. The workers were able to own homes, cars and pay for their children’s education. They had the security of company funded healthcare and retirement plans.

No American expects American workers to work for Chinese wages of pennies an hour and be housed in military style dormitories.

No American industry front-loaded with the cost of regulations fees and taxes and paying American wage rates can compete with Chinese prices.

The destruction of manufacturing industries will continue unless we stop it. We must do it soon.

What can we do?

First, recognize the problem –

Free Traders preach protective tariffs would harm our economy. Too many believed this without questioning why. Question it now!

We have had trade deficits for over 20 years with all industrialized nations. They all used tariffs and or other forms of protectionism to protect their jobs and industries.

For centuries, nations have controlled foreign commerce with taxes at the borders called duties or tariffs.

In America from 1789 to 1930, only 75 years ago, tariffs were the main source of revenue for the Federal Government. From 1817 to 1862 tariffs were the only source of revenue.

The U.S. government never abandoned tariffs. In '04 they had tariff revenue of 20.7 billion dollars.

The Free Traders are wrong about tariffs. America needs tariffs. We are destroying our industries and our middle class and on the way to becoming a third world country.

History reveals that earlier super powers – England, Russia and Rome have fallen from failed policies not from invading armies.

To save the America’s industries we must abandon the flawed policies of globalization and free trade. We must cancel NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO. Then place trade-balancing tariffs on all products from countries that sell us more products than they buy from us.

Jack Davis is founder (1964) and President of I Squared R Element Company. They manufacture silicon carbide heating elements that are used in high-temperature industrial electric furnaces located in Akron, NY.

Jack is also the chairman of Save American Jobs Association. For more information visit the web site: www.SaveAmericanJobs.us

Jack Davis is available for interviews:
Tel: 716.542.5200
Fax: 716.542.2100

I can’t read, sorry.

Found a direct link. See post #1

Everyone’s name is Jack!


My Aunt married into the family… Mr. Davis is an awesome guy… and I wish him luck on his future campaign.

We read this in My Economics class today at ECC south. Small world

yea hes got sweet cars too

Met Jack at a couple EC Dems things last year…nice guy, very down to earth, unfortunately he ran into the bush political machine with tom reynolds

full page ad is around $16,000!

word… what the fuck is up with that?

I think free trade is a problem

It is also a problem when someone with just a HS diploma can make 100K plus a year in a UAW manufacturing job. How can US manufacturers compete when there competitors can hire cheap ass labor in china or mexico for a fraction of what it costs them. If you get rid of free trade though the price of a American car will skyrocket, and imports will become more attractive unless tariffs are put on them.

whats the answer? who knows but all good paying mindless manufacturing jobs are all going to be performed in china or mexico.

I agree with what he is saying…BUT Jack Davis is NOT an awesome guy. I know first hand he is a scumb bag!
He is a business man…and he is good at that. But don’t start saying that he is a “good guy”.

Not to sound like a broken record but…

Stopping trade or implementing huge tariffs would require a massive cultural change in the USA.

Can the USA handle a massive cultural change?
That is the question.

Get ready to spend $4000 for an iPOD or Play Station.

I skimmed, and gave up taking anyone serious who refers to people as “the asians”

but I think a point that he started to make, and needs to be clear is that no longer should someone working in an auto plant be able to support a family on their wage alone (or even on a mere undergraduate degree job). In the 50s & 60s this was the social norm that the man worked and the woman did not, so yes paying that person the wage in order to keep them in the middle of the middle class. It’s 2005 now, if you want to be in the middle of the middle class both parents should be working, or at least one should have a graduate degree. We need to set higher standards for our workers and we need to REWARD those who achive those higher standards more.

Someone SHOULD however be able to live in realative comfort with 1 child with a undergraduate degree or a semi-skilled labor job. But a family of 4 shouldn’t. Finding a healthy medium between federal assistance and individual earning is what needs to happen.


1 person w/ HS degree doing semi-skilled labor should earn $35-50K/yr in 2006
1 person with undergraduate college degree should earn $30-48K/yr in 2006
1 person with HS degree doing skilled labor should earn $60-95K/yr
1 person with a graduate degree should earn $50-100K/yr

All of these are of course non-insentive pay rates, bonus’, commisions, etc… are not and should not be included in these figures. And while people in those situations shouldn’t be making more that the top figures, they also shouldn’t be making any less than the bottom figure.

and that’s your middle class right there. The only increase in those base figures should be from inflation.

PM w/ examples please.

as in the people of asia.

I hate people who call us Americans…i don’t listen to them either.

He is my grandfather. I would really rather not get into it, but long story short his priorities are very fucked up.

America is a country, Asia is a region. Saying “asian countries” would have been correct saying “the asians” is not and it comes off as racist.

Asia is a continent last time I checked… it is next to Europe. And what do we call people in Europe? Europeans.

America is not a country. North America is a continent. South America is a continent. The United States of America is a country.

Why do you, and people like you have to make everything racial?

Sorry to hear… the few times I’ve met him he was cool… and I stand behind his views on American Jobs 100%.

You make me laugh.

Yeah like i said, he is a good business man, he know what he is doing and talking about.