Movie: I Think I Love My Wife

Eh, not that good. Stars Chris Rock. Chris is an investment broker with a wife and 2 kids. He’s bored out of his mind. Some slut from his past starts coming around and sucking him into all sorts of wacky situations and ultimately tries to get him to toss it in.

It’s not really a comedy, but it’s not really serious. I won’t give it away, but the ending is just effing stupid.

I got a few laughs out of it, but meh.

:tup: :tdown:

it sucked, dont bother.

So 2 stars then…

u silly

that movie BLEW

When a comedy can’t make me laugh from it’s 60 second preview I have serious doubts about giving it 1.5 hours.

trolled through about 5 mins. of it the other day.

chris rock. the next eddie murphy?

Dur, forgot about that thread.

But yeah, all in all not worth the 4 bucks to rent it. Maybe if there had been nudity, but there wasn’t.

I also rented breach, which I may watch tonight.

Anyone seen it?


I also rented breach, which I may watch tonight.

Anyone seen it?


Breach is good. You’ll like it.

Breach was really good.

I Think I Love My Wife sucked.


Maybe if there had been nudity, but there wasn’t.


So what you’re saying is you want to see Chris Rock naked?

While not nearly as homosexual as rubbing your balls on another guys lips as a “joke”, I still gotta put that in the :gay2: column.

lol jackass

Yeah breach was awesome. I love government espionage, secret agent type movies. If only there had been siq fight scenes, but whatever.

Breach = :tup: :tup:

breach is def good, bump cuz “i think i love my wife” SUCKS