Movie passes v.Extraordinary Measures

Once again, my lack of a social life is your gain…

I have 2 free passes for this screening. I will need an email address to send you a .pdf that you print and turn in @ the theater.

I have them posted elsewhere, so I’m sure they will go sooner or later.

Extraordinary Measures
Tuesday January 19, 2010 at 7:00 PM
Regal Elmwood Center 16
2001 Elmwood Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14207

I am going to a screeening for it tonight. Looks like a boring movie.

Looks like a movie you would see on Lifetime, or CBS at best.

longnguyen88 [@]

remove space and parenthesis


I now have 2 more available until 5

so, did you go?

I went, my date got there 10 mins late and they wouldn’t let her in. Being the gentleman that I am I left with her instead.