Movie Review: An American Haunting

If you like a good scary movie you must NOT go see this because it was poo poo… The story started out great, whole lota scary noises and dead ghost kids but the end took a horrible turn (spoilers below) Whoever made this flaming piece of crap seems to have tried to take a page out of M. Knight Shamalamadingdong’s book and attempted a clever surprise ending. Totally weak movie, save your $20.

and as promised spoiler below

Ok heres the deal. Modern day divorced mother and daughter, mother reads a book sh found in the attic, the story starts kind of old timey era, looks like early 1800’s. Jack bauer’s dad has a land deal go sour with an alleged witch. The witch doesn’t get what she wants so she “curses” his family. Strange things start happening, his daughter is getting tossed around like one of my bitches at night and everyone thinks the devil is in the house. The father starts to get sick and cough up blood, one of the “witches” slaves delivers a bag of bloody sheets and the father’s thirt and eeryone takes this as an omen that he will die soon. The ghost attacks get worse, father gets sicker until one day the ghost shows up for mommy, and whispers “you know what happened” Mother has flashbacks and sees daddy stripping down the bed after he had a few rounds with the daughter, yup jack bauer’s dad is a kid toucher. Hes jack fucking bauers father he can get away with that shit! Anywho the mother goes in and hes still very sick and feeds him poison cause she knows what he did and all the bad things stop. The modern day mother sees her daughter go off with her dad for the weekend looks at an old photo from 1800s daughter and runs after her ex’s bimmer. The end

Appearently the writer of the movie thought it would be cool to show that her poltergeist was caused by the mental stress of her molestation. Whoopie!!! Totally lame ending to a weak ass movie.

yeah, I heard the same :tdown: I was honestly looking forward to it too

So was I, god was i diappointed.