bump, today and tomorrow 9-4!!
If anyone is interested in anything specific from the pics, PM me. I will check to see if it’s still available. I know the mini white fridge definitely sold. Everything has to go tomorrow!
Just a few remaining items we’re looking to sell, craigs ad has it all: http://buffalo.craigslist.org/fuo/3307669461.html
If you’re interested you can call that number or PM me. Thanks!
bump this stuff has got to go! http://buffalo.craigslist.org/fuo/3307669461.html
bump! Refreshed the link, just make an offer on anything if you’re interested. It all needs to go!!
For the lazy, here are pics of what’s left. Any offers, just PM or reply by phone to the craigslist ad.
bump, just the 2 retro tables pictured above are left to get rid of.
Bump for retro tables! They absolutely have to go by FRIDAY! Otherwise I think my dad will be giving them to a neighbor.
Last call for the tables!
no chairs?
Chairs only available for the white table as shown in the pic.
This table and chairs is the only remaining thing in the house. Make an offer and take it, must be gone by Monday night.
Ok last day for this table and chairs, keys get handed over tomorrow to the new homeowners.