Moving to BC - Transport car

How do i go abouts getting my car to b.c

My sister is moving to b.c
i need to know the best prices i can get to ship the car

gas prices are high

From toronto to b.c vancouver

I remember a while back I heard the price was around 500-600 bucks

does anyone know exactly how much it is?

or who the cheapest/best company to use.

or how much gas money do you think it would take

hey…well i just drove back from Calgary to Niagara…and it cost me approx. 350$ in 91 octane gas. I did however go through Canada the whole way…but if you go through the states you can save like 5 hours. From Calgary to Vancouver is about 14 hours if I can remember correctly. Hope that helps

Try its gangster. You find transports headed out there that have space and they bid on the job. All bonded and insured carriers registered.

just drive… how often to you get an excuse to do that?