Mrs Claus is gonna be pissed

Woman Accused Of Groping Santa
Police: Woman Inappropriately Touched Santa At Mall

Just go with it Santa. :cjerk:

no pics of said woman no care

come on now… what do you really think she looks like if she molestes santa… i PROMISE you she fills out the suit as much as he does

or she is 18 and hot and was done on a dare…

hence the needs for pictures, fuck if she is fat hang the bitch

holy shit i did thats fucking weird!

huh, wtf just happened

howd you quote from another thread and respond in this one ?

Fuck me santa

So I go to read the story and see this on the right:


What Santa do afterwards, drill her? :slight_smile:

Haha the 'ol Jack Hammer style. Always a holiday favorite.

with a name like Sandrama Lamy how hot do you think she is going to be…and on crutches

I didn’t know Santa was gay, I guess you learn something every day.



“Sandrama Lamy has been charged with fourth-degree sexual assault and breach of peace.”

1 - How many different degrees of rape are there?

2 - wtf is “breach of peace?” :lol:

what a lame bunch of crap