MSD = crap

cracked the cap today goin through moon, even the stock low grade crap from advanced survived a year. Only me Only me. gotta love the feeling like using 4cylinders :rolleyes:

threw the advanced crap cap on it and all good :zzz:
yes i carry spare parts :eek4dance

something is up with your igntion. you keep burning out rotors and now a cap

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MSD=overpriced junk that is heavily marketed.

Are you running one of their ignition boxes? If so, get rid of it and put a stock (OEM, not aftermarket) cap and rotor back on the car and use the factory ignition system. That solved a lot of problem I had with an MSD system years ago. Eventually I went with a Crane system and had no troubles with it.

low performance<high performance part

doh, have had good and bad luck with msd. I have had boxes that were bad brand new.

its not the MSD thats the problem its the shaggy curse

it’s a virus, not a curse…

[QUOTE=jim]MSD=overpriced junk that is heavily marketed.

Are you running one of their ignition boxes? If so, get rid of it and put a stock (OEM, not aftermarket) cap and rotor back on the car and use the factory ignition system. QUOTE]

I don;t think that would be a good thing for me to do :dunno:

Why not?

i have a msd 6a i’ve been wanting to try, but i’ve been to lazy to wire it in.

rustang boy has a stock ignition on the car. and its got 170k+miles on it. hes burning rotors. something is up and now his check engine likes to stay on…answer to this is put that mule out to the pasture

do you actually think a 1980 igntion could fire his Dart motor?

I second that… :beer:

i’m using a stock cap with msd 6al box and just got a two step :slight_smile:

I have no idea what he drives.

I do know that I went through several MSD boxes on my Mustang over ten years ago and they were shit. One was crap right out of the box for Christs sake. Now you understand why NASCAR temas run two or more on their cars, because one IS going to break during a race and it’s easier to just flip a switch and go to a backup or a backup to the backup.

ehhhh the car runs fine, problems are fixed and my rustang > quiks

stock 92lx coil > MSD boxes

yep any stang>mine at teh moment

Problem with nascar teams is that they are running for hours at a time @ 8-9,000 rpm. Those boxes get hot. And heat is not good for them. Just like why do you think drag racers & the nascar teams have them mounted inside the side and not under the hood.

thats what im thinking, i pulled it off an it was extremely hot.
ohwell it was basically given to me anyway. I shouldnt complain.