MTO office fail

My buddy went to the MTO office in Mississauga and saw this sign at the door, he didn’t bother to say anything he just got a good laugh out of it and took a pic.

How stupid are some of the people? And how do they get these government jobs?

Guide dog for the hearing impaired LOL!

??? There does exist guide dogs for the hearing impaired… and I’m pretty sure if you were blind, you wouldn’t be at the MTO in the first place :\



ahaha good ol government, what a bunch of re-tards.


There is a dog for hearing impaired??? So what does it do explain to you noises in tail language???

Good point about a blind person going into MTO but then again it’s Ontario if you see the way some people drive you could swear they are blind.

most MTO locations are privatized…

haha wtf


  1. why would a blind person be at mto
  2. tail language yo

Hearing guide dogs are few and far between not many people actually use them anymore

Hearing Dogs assist deaf and hard of hearing individuals by alerting them to a variety of household sounds such as a door knock or doorbell, alarm clock, oven buzzer, telephone, baby cry, name call or smoke alarm. Dogs are trained to make physical contact and lead their deaf partners to the source of the sound.

Hearing Dogs are generally mixed breeds acquired from animal shelters and are small to medium in size. Prior to formal audio response training, the younger adoptees are raised and socialized by volunteer puppy raisers. Hearing Dogs are identified by an orange collar and leash and/or vest.

is that not why they invented hearing aids?


Whats that show - sue thomas F.B.Eye or something - deaf person with a guide dog since she can’t hear traffic, people yelling at her etc.

Re-quoted + BOLDED in case you can’t read.

Hearing Dogs assist deaf and hard of hearing individuals by alerting them to a variety of household sounds such as a door knock or doorbell, alarm clock, oven buzzer, telephone, baby cry, name call or smoke alarm.