MTV Cribs.... Nyspeed edition

lol no one of my good friends growing up lived in that house, its like right around the corner from my rent’s

Crappy Picture from last year. I’ll get some new ones.


Lots of cool places in here :tup:

I’d be worried about the attack of the giant tennis balls :eek:

I just bought it in oct. by next oct it will be a complete remodel.

1000sq foot w full basment
huge garage

:lol: I knew there’d be somebody on here with a garage bigger than their house. :stuck_out_tongue:


I think Jagermeister is pretty close with that one too. I’m soo Jealous.


91MR2 where are you! His garage is almost bigger than his house.

Mine’s pretty close :lol:

Well if you consider my garage is a 5 story parking ramp… lol…

Dude those green tennis balls are awesome. I get one everyone morning and throw it out the window of my car on my way to work.

The funny thing is on my computer I don’t even see those. Only the picture you posted can I see them lol.


the bulldog looks sweet!!

Thanks man! He’s my guard dog. :eekdance:


Maybe you know the story behind “the red rose club” then? There’s a storage area under the stairs that you access through a little crawl through door in the work room downstairs. In there is all this “Red Rose Club” scribbling in crayon on the wall, with lists of the girls in the club. Some names are crossed out because I guess they weren’t part of the club anymore. It’s a little creepy, especially since there is a latch for a padlock on the outside of the door.

going to go ahead and guess that was my friends sister, but that is LOL. Is one of the names Sarah? I don’t think I ever saw that.

Been a while since I’ve crawled into the creepy dungeon but yeah, I’m pretty sure that was one of the recurring names (there were multiple revisions of the list).

ill post my crib when i got home from NC

and my garage is bigger and more nice than my house

1)I hate you because you have a Wonderful House
2)I hate you because you have a Beautiful IS300(Sucks cuz its not yellow)

he just has his priorities straight lol.

Sounds like my parents last house. 1200 sq ft ranch with a 1250sq ft garage. Oh, and the basement was also a garage.

They moved and built the same size garage.

Here is mine. Bought in beginning of sept.

Messy for pictures. Exterior will be getting siding and windows next spring/summer. Interior is basically all set. Garage is getting new electric/insulation/paint between now and next summer.