Mulholland Thread

I don’t know what to make of that… Its like he picked a line then decided to skip the turn in point.

sweet jump dude


My favorite Mullholland vid. I think it’s the crocs that really paint the picture…


I had some free time

You can hear in the video that the guy lost the rear end, saved it / stood it up, and judging by the video, at that point he had no way to not go into the mountain. I personally would’ve grabbed brake though at that point instead of slamming into a rock. x_x

Honestly, I think it’s stupid that after all these years, people STILL try to take that turn hard… you’re just asking for it.

gotta get that Youtube fame :number1


To be fair, if I was in that part of CA I’d hit that road up too. :ahh

same here


:lmao how could I forget that phrase

See it happen at the “guard rail” turn from the rider’s pov. Skip to 7:00 for the crash.


he had some pretty bad lines

If I was the guy minding his biz on that apehanger thing getting passed like that after hearing “Yeah i am perfectly fine” I would punch him in the face and say “well now your not”… “riding like that could have taken me out when you illegally passed me back there”.

and the dude rides like shit, “dunno it just slid out…” maybe it was all the dirt and shit people like you who cant hold a line and cut the inside kick up in turns???

or you just suck


looked like to much throttle coming out of the turn to me.

He had some pricey wheels on that bike.

Possible frame damage?



The turn never disappoints :rofl