murder in lancaster

well my friend just called and said that around broadway and central under the bridge over there that theres swat,police… all over an theres a dead body under the bridge and I guess rumors around the area say theres another body down at the next bridge…anyone know what’s going on???

No but totally weird on my way home tonight about 15 min ago there was an LVAC (Lancaster Volunteer Ambulance) with 2 cheektowaga cop escorts doing about 100 down walden towards st. joes.

:gotme: My only thought was that it was someone very important.

from what she said I guess someone hung them self off the bridge

wow…the way the ambulance was flying…they might have not accomplished their goal.

thats suicide not murder.

Hmmm i was out riding there too. shitty.

I know but from what she saw she just saw a body laying there so idk exactly what happened…girl giving information and hearing rumors that are being spread around the crime scene doesn’t help

hahaha very true

Ooooh man, look at Jake getting all technical here.

anyone have a link to a story?

Murder? murdered who? Ive known him for 2 fucking weeks, and he would do such a thing. (kat williams)

Is everyone OK?

jeesus, this is like a 2 minute walk from my house, they dont say if he was killed or suicide.

oh dear.

also like 2 minutes from my house…

i saw all the police on the bridge last night driving home and was wondering what was going on…

they said foul play is not expected, so sounds like an accident or suicide

I don’t think they are OK…

He hung himself and he died from it?

Or he hanged himself and died from it?

Is this the bridge by the post office and Santoras? I used to walk over that bridge every single day to get to the boy’s club :confused:

yes sir

the horse that raped/killed him was hung.

or, he got raped by a horse that was hung and hanged himself in shame…