music needed! asap

looking for the operah/ music that was used in jackass 1 at the begining whne they are in the giant shopping cart…i dont want the sound effect just the music itself

its used alot…in differnt things…its like a gohic type chant

if you can email me the file…wav mp3 whateevr i appreciate it

im makeing the trailor for teh wings over pittsburgh show and want to start off with that!!

clash of the titans?

I think I found it, I’ll email it to you

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Apache/2.2.2 (Fedora) Server at Port 80

fixed :dunno: is that the opening song?

that sound slike it might be the name

website is blocked from gov computers thats why i need the file emailed to me!

You got it, I’ll send it to you right now. It’s called “Carmina Burana - O Fortuna” by Carl Orff

that is definitely the song he is looking for… its pretty much used in every trailer in the world it seems


also need it was from the movie iron eagle…

when he was playing it in the plane

think its called ONE VISION by QUEEN

has a cool into

god dammit

the file was removed…FUCK!@!! from email mp3 arnt allowed

can you uploaded it on uploader and send me the link??

or send it and re name it without the file extension of mp3

and ill add it when i save it

Trying but this is what uploader says

"Upload rules
Max file size: 2000KB
Image only: No
File name cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? < > | &
Allowed file types: .jpg .bmp .jpe .gif .png

so not sure if it will work


"The following files were NOT uploaded:
Carl Orff - Carmina Burana - O Fortuna.mp3, file size(5104.406KB) is greater than 2000KB. "

rename the file and just delete the .mp3

send it and i should be able to rename it and add it back

OK I’ll try that…


hope it worked one way or another :dunno:

second email sent from

got it!

now saying windows cant support it wrong codecs or someshit…

sent it up to my comm guys to look at it

holy poop!

omg! how did you do that!?

sweet beans!

if i can get the queen one im in like flynn