Must sea

come on, Must Sea?

right after you put mind as well.

Must sea?


Edit : Team Polonia is on the ball :lol:


maybe it was a pun because of the video… get it… Sea… forget it.

Makes me want to pee. Brb.

i dont have time to deal with willy the squid

It was a pun…now to explain it for the slow kids…it is a Sea lab 2021 clip

i got it :slight_smile:

it was a pun stupid heads on me

I sea what you did there.


on me


+1 I didnt even bother to watch the vid before cracking out the picard :lol:

God I fucking love this show.

What made you pick this one though?

fuck sealab


+1 I didnt even bother to watch the vid before cracking out the picard :lol:



Its just one of my favorite episodes, which I happened to run across on youtube while at work, I find it explains society well hahaha not really but its funny