Ok im completing my mustang project and i want to put a shift kit in my AOD TRANS. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good shift kit to put in the mustang AOD TRANS. What i want the shift kit to be able to do is shift when i want it to and hold to wht ever rpms i want. I guess I am looking for a manual valve body but i want a good one. I have been looking and numerous shift kits and can not seem to pick one because there are so many. I was wondering if anyone has done this or know anyone that has done this that i can talk to. I want a good shift kit or manual valve body and good touque converter. THANKS.
Also I would like to keep overdrive cause this is going to be a street car to.
Some time ago I used the B&M shift kit. On a fairly stock motor, it would chirp 2nd at any throttle, and third under heavy throttle. I never took it over 5500 rpm though. I liked it allot, and had no problems with it.
yeah if u want to do that, an AOD is NOT the best choice of transmission. for what you want, start looking for a C4.
EDIT: just saw u want to keep the overdrive…uhh its kinda one or the other…there isnt really any shifter or shift kit or anything that I know of that you can hold gears like that, howewver the C4 isnt going to have overdrive. best thing i could offer is get an aftermarket valve body and shift kit for the AOD and it will shift pretty hard and you’ll still have OD
the lentechs are really nice i’ve heard a lot of people like them. If it were me, id rather just get a C4 and sacrifice the over drive rather than drop the money on the lentech…you;d have a decent amount left over to spend on other areas of the car. Overall, the AOD is just a pretty bad id ea no matter how you cut it: it cant handle much power really, and no matter how much you build it, it still has its weak points. A professionally built AOD, while being reliable and tough, is going to cost a ton of money.
The automatic was fine for me with a stall, shift kit and trans cooler. I had no problems, and if you use 3rd instead of OD for high speed pulls it will last. I did a T5 swap, and the car was much more fun. Launching was of course better with the auto set up, but the 5 speed was better all around.