hit the road then jack. Im here until monday.
ill be there saturday man lolol
I went to broadway by the beach and it just so happened there was a mustang show there…atleast 200 mustangs
mustangs are boring as fuck. Every single one is either whipple charged or a kenne bell.
I drove through just to be a duesh and mustang owners really are cock heads. Dirty looks up the ass.
I know of a couple that are not :thumbup
Dude, you wrote yourself that you did that to be a douche, yet you seem surprised at the reaction? LOL
I’ve come to the conclusion that the majority of Mustang owners have an IQ of around room temperature.
In degrees Celsius.
I can almost guarantee its never been driven hard.
Just like the '32 Ford coupe I saw in Syracuse with twin blowers on it.
get out with your negative shit PJB
yes LOL
Its true though. These cars are built for looks and the shock factor and not much more.
Im curious if that car would even pass a tech inspection at a track.
it has state plates on it PJB. It passed SC inspection…
Im talking tech inspection at the track.
Its a '69 so basically all it needs are working lights and brakes to pass inspection or the owner knows somebody with stickers.
Jellies vs. SSSS on motor NOW
pretty sure I could wrap that up by pulling out a plug…
I think it’d be a close race, probably much closer than you think!
Im not driving to Myrtle Beach and I dont have my DR’s yet so that will have to wait.
Im probably as bad at driving as he is so it might be a decent race.
Let me drive it. Who cares about a dig, I want to see who has the faster equipment.
Ive pinned the 140 mph speedometer on the highway with the current setup.
Id really rather drive my own car.
So get a shift light and run SSS from a 40-punch.
yeah, a shift light is on my wish list. So is eliminating the rev limiter. I hate hitting that in every gear on the highway.
What is the limiter set at