On my way to work last night on the thruway i see these bright lights comming up on me. I’m like cool i get to race a rycer from a from a roll he stayed in my blind spot for a few seconds then came along side of me. I can see all these guages going down his piller so i new he wanted to race
I tapped the gas to see what he would do…sure enough he fell for it lol. He gets on it(i was waiting) and well you know what happens. He cought back up and gave me a
gave you an incomplete sentence?
Flash of the badge?
I put semi’s on him:) i’m not sure but i think it was an sti cause it had a big scoop on it. Anyways if he’s on here maybe he want’s to go from a dig:)
Tell us about your mustang that put semi’s on (possibly) an STI. Year? Mods?
85 GT 5.0HO hatchback w/bodykit…typical mustang bolton mods:)
LoL, cause that could nevaR happen, right?
I dunno, just curious. I like both cars :tup: so I’m interested in the details of the matchup.
HO stands for High Output right?? Nuff said sukka.:lol:
:smash2: and i keep puting high octane gas in it cause thats what i thought ho ment:lol:
:biglaugh: nice kill.
Nice work:)
Good kill even if you dont know what you raced… :tup:
big scoop + big wing = ricSTI
This kid has to be on one of these forum’s
bout time i got to read another kill story from the real deal :tup:
lmao… and no shit, I didnt know you owned a mustang.
:word: Good to be back in the game:)
hit up wnymustang.org :tup:
keep this one running so I can see some vids