my brothers new ride

this thing is mad nice man

i entered a contest thing for one just like this at the mall :slight_smile: maybe we can cruise if i win it hAHAHA

mall one is a Z06…

theres a difference?

Colonie Center has a C6 convertible to win.

Congrats on the new car. Just make sure he knows how to drive it. Don’t wanna see another young kid with a car that they can’t handle.

he knows how to drive it just fine…

haha i want that mall one prolly like millions of people entered that shit

good story, would quote again

great have fun winning time shares

Kinda hard to cruise if you hit something


That is sick man. Tell him congrats. You have a PM by the way.

So did you walk him or nah?..You guys obviously did a 150 bomb

Ok bud. Just looking out for him.



they look pretty good in white. you hardly see a white one out.

Sweet ride. Eventually I plan to rock something very similar. Only option I want is the magnetic ride control…

It is! Prestige put it there and you can not win it. I know this because my G/f put it there. She works at Prestige. Its awful to go visit her at work and see all these new C6s. Makes me want to do something stupid…like upgrade!

Bad ass car Tony! Im sure ur brother will make it look good with some little mods.

Bingo! Didnt see this till after my last post. She said that company did that so it looked like people would win it and enter. I dont think Prestige had much to do with it!
Here it is at the VIP fall car show…brought 3 cars there. Mine is on the far left, the other 3 are for sale. I hoped u were gonna show Tony! There were NO ZR1s there

thanks everyone, new updated pics, cleaned, lowered, painted calipers/ rotors…

Wow, I hate u. Thanks for making me want…haha

Very nice, sooooo clean!

I didnt “walk him” but I did beat him

and we shut down everytime around 110 or so because traffic.