my car alarm just paid for itself

when i park my truck at work, i park it far enough away that other idiots wont park next to it and ding it up, but close enough so i can keep an eye on it. so there were these 5 kids (prob around 14-18 in age i would say) from ‘the hood’ hanging around outside the store next to ours, and we had the doors open and based on thier conversations i didnt like what they were up to. so i think to myself’ o just forget about it, its nothing.’ so im in the back at work, and i hear a car alarm start going nuts. i think to myself, ‘hmm that sounds like MY car alarm!!!’ so i run out the door and sure enough i see them running away from my truck as fast as they can. so i run out there, cell phone in hand ready to call the cops if need be. thankfully they didnt get in because, among other things, my iPod and Escort radar detector were in there, although hidden away pretty good (i never leave my iPod in there, y i did this time i dont kno). so i moved my truck to a parking space right up front so i can keep a real good eye on it.

-usually park my truck at a reasonable distance away in the arking lot of my work
-see some suspicious looking people near my work
-think nothing of it
-few min later my car alarm is going nuts
-i see these people running away from my truck
-truck didnt get broken into
-moved truck up to the front of the store to keep a better eye on it


g-damn hood rats! get a gun.

Good to see that worked out at least. :tup:


shoulda hopped in your truck and ran them over on principle alone tho

offtopic: those were long cliff notes :stuck_out_tongue:

So what the hell happened??? What were they doing around your car? Any dings or anything?

no i gave the truck a good walk around after and theres nothing. i dunno y they went after it, the only thing i can think of would be because it looks ‘nice’ and i park it away from any other cars in the lot. i think they just yanked on the dorr handle and thats what set off the alarm. they obviouysly were not that smart, because they apparently didnt see the extremely BRIGHT blue LED flashing on the dash or the “Protected by CompuStar Auto Secturity” sticker on the window. im deffintaly not parking far away anymore…right up front where i can see it, and i’ll take my chances with getting a door ding here and there.

ummmmm…wouldn’t it be a truck alarm??

HAHA yeah i guess it would be lol. ‘truck’ alarm jsut doesnt cound right though for some reason.

where do u work (what area?) … its sad that people still pull that shit, but :TUP: on the alarm

i wokr at The UPS Store on the corner of Sheridan and Sweethome…i live not far from there and its not really a bad area at all. as much as i hate to say it, there are 2 dollar stores in the plaza where i work and they draw in a lot of the, uh, ‘urban’ crowd.

i want to get one of those car alarms that send the signal to a remote. i’ve had problems where i’d go out to my car, turn off the alarm and it beems 3 times instead of 2 to let me know the alarm went off. at the regal in op, after a movie i went out and some kids bashed off my driver side mirror with one of those wood stakes that the snowplows guys use to mark where the curbs are. of course the mirror was wrecked but when it broke off it dangled and scratched/ dented my door.

Can you give me some Cliff notes of the cliff notes… they are as long as your story.

Congrats on the the alarm working however.