At a Parking Area on the I90. Guy next to me has NO PANTS.

So I’m driving back from Syracuse when my truck decides to act up. There is a parking area up ahead so I pull in. This was about 5pm. I get out and check the truck over and things seem fine, and happen to glance to my side and see some dude in a Volvo wagon with his door open… and nothing on shirt-down.

WTF! But it gets more creapy…

I decide not to risk driving any more in case there is a bigger issue, but I back out of my space and drive to the far side of the lot just as a test. Then I call for a tow.

I sit in the same place waiting for the truck for about an hour and 45min. The Volvo dude doesn’t leave either. Eventually all other cars & trucks leave and it’s just us at opposite ends of the lot. The guy then starts up his car and drives right up next to me… and sits there.

FUCK YOU FGGT. I call the thruway phone # that was the last number I called and tell them I’m waiting for a tow and some creap is trolling the lot. A few minutes into my phone call my tow arrives and I tell the thruway I’m all set, but that the guy is still there.

I tell my tow driver what happened and he says “yeah, lotsa fags like to hangout here.” Good to know.

Unfortunatly my tow driver couldn’t take me all the way back to Buffalo so I’m sitting at a gas station right now waiting for ANOTHER tow… Awesome.

What really happened?




You should have blown him for a ride back to buffalo.

Eff’ing brilliant

LOL @ the OP story AND that video

That video made the interview 10x funnier. Should of asked him if he was missing something

lol My guess would be the guy was there for dogging. Which is popular amongst females in the uk, never really heard of it much in america.

If you don’t know what it is, google it.

and that video is so fuckin funny hahah

The Evan’s cops call the one near them “pickle park”. I stopped at the one in Springville to eat lunch one time and I saw guys walking into the woods. I thought FOR SURE it was drug deals until I talked to one of the people that cleans the place through the adopt a highway program and he said there are condoms all over the place back there. Creepy.

:rofl: that’s nasty.

when i was younger (in my teens) my friend and i were on our weekly trip to the reservation, when my friend looked ahead and was like “dude, speed up a bit” and pointed at the car in front of us. it was a miata, and i was like ok…

so as im closing in on the car, he starts telling me about the store manager at his work (he worked at k-mart at the time), dude acted kinda fruity, but he had a wife and 3 kids. my friend thought that it was the dudes car ahead of us

so im getting closer (we were on rt 20) and dude starts to put on his brakes and pull into the shoulder with his turn signal on. my friend is craning his neck as we slowly gain on him as the miata pulls into the rest stop before the reservation. my friend got a good look at him (top was down) and sure enough, it was his manager. the guy lived in hamburg, but was stopping at a rest stop 15 minutes away from his house. why else would he be pulling in there but to blow dudes, then go back home to his wife and 3 kids

he couldn’t look at him the same after that lol i dont blame him

how was the blow job?


Who doesn’t like dogging? Seriously lol

HAHA that video is perfect! Reminds me of ANOTHER story:

Almost 10 years ago, Tbirdsc1 (Mark), his brother and me were on our way to Long Island. We had spend the day at a car show and in the city and were headed to a friends place to spend the night. We got out there but couldn’t get in touch with them so we tried a few hotels. But all the hotels were booked because it was a holiday weekend. We were SOL.

So we got back on the highway and pulled into a parking area almost like the one I was just in, except it was packed with cars & people and it was a summer night. We decided to crash there and get some sleep in the car…

… I woke up a little while later to Mark’s brother yelling “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” over and over again as our car sped away and out of the rest area. I had been sleeping in the back seat and was like “What the hell happened?!”

Mark’s brother had woken up from a sound sleep in just the way the guy in that video did above. He was sitting in the drivers seat, checked his mirrors and noticed the whole parking area had cleared out. It was just us there and some van far behind us. He then looked to his right out the passenger window and into the woods. It was a clear moonlit night and there was some creepy dude in a wife beater standing not too far away from our car in the woods… just staring at us.

He woke up Mark and told him to look, then one of them said “lets get the fuck outa here!” By the time I was awake and told what just happened, Marks brother was still so full of adrenaline that he looped the car though one of those police / plow turn-arounds and back onto the highway going back in the direction of the creepy dude. We asked what he was doing and he said “I’m going to go fuck that guy up!” lol. We convinced him that was a bad idea and just stayed on the highway and started to drive home.

I’m going to stay clear of parking areas for the rest of my life…

Lol. It’s always the “parking areas” that are creepy. I stopped at one on the 81 south between Ft Drum and Syracuse to take a squirt. Pulled into the place, parked next to a car there, got out to head into the little shitbag restroom. The guy in the car I parked next to just gave me this fucking awful creepy look. I turned around, hopped into my car and got off the next exit and took an epic piss in a Gander Mountain store.

Reminds me of alot of the areas on 86/17 between binghamton and middletown. Seriously