My car got it's first flatbed ride last night.

My transfer case, that I just had replaced less than 1,000 miles ago under recall, locked up on me coming back from the Irwin Cruise on 30. Thankfully, I was only going 5-10 MPH while slowing for a stop light, but even this caused 5-6 foot black skid marks from the back wheels.

A cop came and said it had to be moved ASAP because it was in the middle of a highway, and that he could not wait for AAA. So, we had it towed to the dealership to put the case in, and tomorrow morning the tow truck driver is giving the bill to them.

I’m going up there tomorrow and seeing what they’re going to do about it. I absolutely will not pay for anything, the tow ride, the new case, anything else that was damaged by any chance. If I had been going faster, I could be in the hospital/dead right now, and anything less than their full cooperation is totally unacceptable.

Thought I’d let you guys know.


what kind of car?

DSM :kekegay:

DSM > your torque

(Even though my car isn’t moving :kekegay: )

what time? i was out there last night

I got there around 8:30, I think. So, I’d say 9:30 or so this happened?


my truck needs towed somewhere where i can drop the tranny out!

My car been on the flatbed a few times !!!


Ford > DSM

OT anything goes:
you want the thread moved ? :kekegay:

Tell them you have flat spots on your tires and need new ones!

Slow cars don’t break down :kekegay:

that sucks

wanna race :bigthumb: right now

:burnout: :naughty:

Don’t make me pull out the Concorde.


Thats weak, had the same thing happen to me. Who did your recall? I was doing 55 when mine locked on mcknight rd.


to here & when?

that sucks i did not see you therer me an eric were there

I saw a white Integra across the lot, and when I got over that way I didn’t see it any more. That’s Eric’s car, right? The white Type-R? I met him last year when I still had the green 2G.