happened again tonight......drivetrain problem. I hate Toyota.

Wow ever since My swap I think ill need to get another tranny im not sure. I go to shift into 5th on 28 and it just came right out. Went to try to downshift into 4th my rpms went up but my speedo just followed it without putting any power out to the wheels? Then when my car came to a full stop there was gear fluid everywhere WTF!!! the hydraulics worked it shifted… When I went to push in the clutch it wasnt there. Maybe celicas really werent ment to have 3sgtes in them.



sounds like a blown diff … i have broken 4-5 of them in my car … guess its time to upgrade

exactly what it acts like, going to look at it closer today

well turned out that the axle popped out who would of known…

well happended again… but my luck gets worse…This time it is a blown diff… Or something is just not right in the tranny. So its down at 1st try. Then it gets even better.

So Im driving the POS Car last night home from hockey when I get a flat and sparks start flying? WTF!!! Right on 28 right outside of new kensington. Then I go to jack it up and take he lugs off. I fucking stripped the last two lugs. I couldnt get it off… So im walking home from new ken at 1am. I live in aspinwall. Im just waiting for another good thing to happen to me.

dam dude, this car sounds worse than dsm’s

turd :wink:

get rid of both of them1!!

fuck, that sucks, im in springdale…thats one hell of a walk, yes sounds worse than DSMs

mine has never made me walk.

AAA is your friend. Get the plus package as well.

urs hasnt been running for how long?

and ur lucky ur belt snapped on ur street :slight_smile:

mine’s made me sit and wait for a tow 3 times, but it’s never put a gun to my back and made me walk. the belt snapped at the top of my yard i pushed it 5ft :smiley:

yeah hope yours doesnt’ either

The LS1 cant break. :smiley:

Back on topic, I hope everything works out with your ride.


yeah my tranny isnt made for the motor I have in my car its not made to handle the power of it :(… yupp if you live in springdale from aspinwall… thats still a walk. I hope you werent on the highway on friday night you would see me walking up 28. I got a few beeps but nobody stopped haha.

thanks stealth

For a second i thought u were being sarcastic about saying that u walked from new ken to aspinwall. Wow thats a heck of a walk.