My cousins old custom CRX is on ebay forsale....

He is away In iraq for a year and he sold this car right before he left and bought a brand new CBR 1000RR in all black. He just sent this to me and the kid he sold it too is trying to sell it for alot more money then what he bought it for. My cousin did every single mod himself…He fiberglassed everything himself. Made the box himself too…

just kinda pisses us both off that the kid just bought it and turned around to sell it for more. In exact way he bought it.

Who cares if he’s trying to sell it for more? If he does, good for him. Your cousin should’ve asked more then.

A car’s only worth what someone will pay. I’d never pay more than $2000 for a CRX.

If youre not italian that cars not for you I guess considering its painted like the flag.

car looks very clean, and very well made, dont get me wrong but that thing is hideous

i really like the Puerto Rican colors , myself!!! :haha :crackup

if it was a soild color it would look 10x better. lools good, not my style.

me and my cousin both (pretty much my family and his whole side) are almost full blood italins.

i can definitely appreciate the hours put into a project like that. overall its not really my style. i agree about the paint. 1 solid color would make it look better. i’d do a nice dark dark grey, or charcoal paint on it. i dont think hes going to sell it for close to 8k. the car has a salvage title, and even if its rebuilt, it will still be a HUGE(prolly the biggest) turn off to most buyers. it doesnt matter that theres no frame damage or whatever, if it says “salvage” that will kill most of it. if he sells it for that much, good for him.
something that makes me wonder is why does everyone keep using that chicken wire in the bumpers for mesh? i saw that at home depot 3 days ago.

fiberglass for the ban

Thank god. I was actually going to ask if the owner was actually Italian. It’s so insulting when people are like, “oh yea, im def. italian! My granmdothers great grandma’s cousin twice removed came over from the old country so im like 100%.” I just stand there and shake my head… :idiots

I pretty much hate it when anyone flaunts the fact that they’re Irish/Italian/etc

If you were born in the states. You’re fuckin AMERICAN. :idiots

Just because youre great great grandparents came from Italy doesn’t mean you’re the end all be all of Italian cooking/hair gel.

Stfu. Diaf.

Someone is jelous of the italian hair gel.

I agree, if youre born here, youre of country name heritage. Some were brought over as babies, youre basically american, because you grew up here. I lived more than half my life in Russia. I was born and raised there and even though all my documentation(yes im legal damnit) says im American, i dont say that. i say that im Russian.

This is true. However, that does not mean you can’t be proud of your heritage…My family is Italian 100% as far as having heritage goes. We are also 100% American. But that dosent mean we cant also say we are of Italian decent. So kisseth my asseth.

I hope no one takes this the wrong way… but if I made a white pride car I’d be racist.

totally agree. But it’d be ok for some black person to make a black pride car. Amazing how this world works. Imagine if you came out with the idea of your own TV station like BET, but make it White Entertainment TV… you’d get fried.

isnt that called reverse racism? i think thats the name for that occurence

i thought it was a mexican car when i first saw it…


WET? :crackup