My dumbass union steward

I work as a guard at buffalo general and we are union. Its nice to know that i have union protection in my line of work, but what troubles me is my dumbass union steward for our site. Not only does he try to act much smarter than he really is, his grammar is terrible, and his english skills suck donkeydick. Example:

                                Kaleida Health (BGH) Security Guards
                                               Holiday season

The holiday’s season is upon us and the union would like to wish all the security guards a safe and joyful season.

Let us be mindful of the Holiday’s season bring about a heart of giving. As in years past the security guards always be offer gifts of food items. Eating on post is still a violation of CS.6/Post Demeanor.

Let us be aware of how we interact with visitors, patients, and employees. Kaleida health corporate policy on any level of harassment is taken very seriously.

It is not known as of yet, if there’s going to be a security guards christmas party.

Again. be safe, becautious, and enjoy the Holiday’s Season.

I typed it word for word…this is who i have representing me…you should hear him try to speak intelligently, i really try my best not to lol

:tdown: for people who are dumb and try to act otherwise

Maybe thats why he is a security guard?

Just a thought…

Sigh…I didnt know Grammar was something so desireable in a position that involves having a flashlight and telling people they can’t park there.


Sigh…I didnt know Grammar was something so desireable in a position that involves having a flashlight and telling people they can’t park there.


I spit out my general tsos chicken on the keyboard when I read this.
El Oh El

Security at BGH is kind of a joke, I walk in and out of there without ever getting a visitors pass.

Do you guys have guns.

Enough said.

Did JEG or forthekicks write that letter?

well i know he only has a high school education because you cant become a supervisor without at least an associates degree, and as far as getting in without passes, i dont work in the lobby so i wouldnt have anything to say about that, and as far as carrying guns, we carry srpay right now and just submitted our application to the county for peace officer status so hopefully we will be soon