My Electron Blue Pearl Si Project/resoration

Ahh must’ve missed that. Last I had read was he might buy the non Si one lol my bad.

we all make mistakes

love the crazy mismatched wheels lol glad to see major progress good work meng

yeah, nice progress it dosent have any of that rice to it

You’re definitely no slacker :wow

moving right along!

Is this ready for paint yet?

good work thus far! im sure this will look great once done.

what color are you gonna go with? I assume an OEM one…

EBP like it was stock.

I just saw that in the 1st post. my fail !

huge fail! now you will receive multiple lashings like a slave.

thought you were keeping this one around?

ahah, makes sense, should be a ton of interest, and its good that you have pictures of bair metal on the rear quarters for future owner

ahhhh I love misspelled words lol

yea bair metal, like on the side of your car lol