My engine sings. No, really.

This is Renault making their RS525 V10 engine sing after they won the F1 championships for their driver Fernando Alonso and for engine manufacturers:

That’s fucking awesome.

hahahahaha :tup: coworkers walked by office and peeked in wondering what the hell was going on

I would like to see how and where this was done.
so awesome.

OMG Thats fucking awesome.



i’d love to see some1 actually doing that in person

Engine dyno??

haha :tup:

the dyno charts have problems scale’ing’ (?) for engines that rev over 16k :tup:

I’m saying that the dyno or a testing area is how they did the song. They have a throttle control thats like a joystick or something.

I saw this before, the Renult engine techs preprogramed an engine dyno routine to hit the notes for the song. Very simple for them considering they have RPM profiles that simulate every track and scenario of the F1 season. The engines basically prerun every race and passing scenario to make sure they hold up to the two race strategy. Those guys cover all scenarios looking for an edge.

that is impressive.

thats pretty cool

wow, thats amazing, i want to try…


OK, so in this rare scenario, throttle-by-wire doesn’t suck…

/\ But do you want to spend $10k+ for that system?

dude that is Hot

throttle response like woah.