My Evolution

Long time no talk Pittspeed!

I just wanted to check in with everyone and let them know what I’ve been up to.

I’m playing in a band called MY EVOLUTION.

My first show with them was at the House of Blues and we just booked a few more shows. We’re playing at Bamboozle Left
Saturday April 5th then we’re heading to The Roxy to play a show that same evening.

If anyone is planning on coming to L.A. let me know…if we have a show while you’re here I’ll hook you up!

Check out our Myspace page and add us!


So you moved from PA to Cali to be in a band?

More power to you, Ive watched many-a friend get signed and give up bc they realized touring sucks your soul away and your broke.

Good luck tho.


like the sound man! best of luck to ya

good luck… I love Cali!

good luck

not going to lie, i was hoping for pics of an Evo. best of luck to you anyways.

no metal = no care

good luck

I’m pretty sure he moved out there and was working in a recording studio, I don’t remember what he was doing.

Juzwick keep up the work man.

nah no one calls it an evolution anymore

it’s evo or nothing, and don’t dare call it a lancer :eek:
