My first 'professional' photo shoot. help please!

Good thing its just kids and not an event that’s once in a lifetime like a wedding :slight_smile:

Take some tips and try it out. Post the pics and let us critique and if they suck, try again.

yea, its adjustable. I might as well try to mess with that.


oh and travis, i can get youcs5 if you want it.

Let me know how they turn out…I’ll hire you for my wedding…I don’t care if you fuck it up.

I dont even know what that program does. lol. I doubt my current computer can handle it.

lol. I’m sure there are a lot more qualified and prepared people just participating in this thread. Thanks for the vote of confidence, I think. Maybe in a few years…

photoshop creative suites 5

weddings are not that hard, done a couple and all you have to do is make sure you know what the plan is and the order so you dont miss anything important.

I know what it is, I just don’t know what it’s for

updated version of the photo shop youve got now with features like content aware.

This is because you have a DX sensor and not an FX sensor. I should let you borrow my Nikon D3x so you can see the difference. With my D90 i have to stand back a lot further, but that is because the DX makes it 75mm as opposed to the FX sensor making it the native 50mm, which i can stand A LOT closer.

I had 7 FOREVERRRRR. cs5 is the move.

where do you think I got 7 from? lol

So I have a feeling that my buddies wife wont be too comfortable when I ask her if its ok to post a few of the pictures on here. What do you guys typically say to alleviate their concern?

you own the pictures and the copyrights to them. technically you don’t have to ask.

I’d rather keep the respect of my friends than post pictures of their daughter on the internet against their will.

Just man up and ask, just say “Hey i’d like to post them on a public forum, for some feedback of other local photographers or hobbyists and get their opinions, is that ok?”

The worse they can say is no man. There is no real rocket science behind that one.

Just say that you know a group of people who help critique photos online. Nothing bad about that. You just want to show off your work.

oh shit, thats right! haha you’ll like cs5. its much better once you figure it out, and content aware is epic.

Welp, took about 350 pictures. 50 came out totally not blurry, 26 of those were good enough to ‘frame’.

Here are 8 of those. I need a better lens and/or more lighting for the inside shots. More zoom would be nice too…

EDIT: pics are from fb so take that into consideration if you have a problem with the quality. but that said, I forgot about putting the camera into RAW until we were basically done so I said forget it.

kinda lame but she liked the blur effect deal:

(this one is especially blurry but it was such a great picture we decided to over look it)

Numbered for your critiquing pleasure!

bump please

on the 1st 4, the location is terrible. Old run down buildings with bars on the windows are great for cars…not toddlers…its too distracting and just doesnt say “awwww”. Out of all of them, #7 could have had the most potential…its great on the creativity, but technically, not so good. Get a better lens…something faster…a 50mm 1.8 is a great cheap start though i dont believe it will af on a d40. Also know your camera, and how to shoot low light situations, without a flash. stopping down, and cranking the iso. just my 2 cents.