Photographer's pull up a chair.

So my wife is an very amateur photographer and i just picked her up this:

not the latest and greatest but I figured a good learning platform.
she has a kodak Z812 IS, 8.1mp, 12x optical zoom (point and shoot)

so im sure this will be a huge learning experience for her. I wanted to know what lens/lenses should I get for her, most of her shooting will be people (wedding’s, get-together’s, ect…), close up’s on things, and when i twist her arm cars.

it came with an 18-70? I think that should be ok for the basic stuff. I am not sure how the quality is on Tamaron lenses. If she’s going to be shooting indoors, she’ll need a decent flash.

Other than a flash, she needs to just get out and shoot and not worry about having the latest and greatest equipment. Most modern DSLRs can do GREAT photos.

I love my D40 out of the box. I need to get PS so I can edit my pics tho. I know IanK will be in here shortly. I think he is a mod(I know he is on it) on a local photography forum that will provide tons of useful tips and tricks

Should be fine to start. Decent glass will cost way more than the camera, so don’t even worry about it. Just having all the manual controls available really helps you learn, assuming your using/playing with them. I would start without a flash and then add a good one when she feels she needs it.

if youre using a pc i can hook you up with PS CS4

on topic:
make sure when you do buy some lenses that theyre good glass with low f stops. the most basic dslr body with good glass will take amazing pictures.

35mm 1.8

It’s the only lens I use anymore.

yea get rid of that tamron 28-80, that would be my first thing to do…

then have her go here…

I just sold my d70 body last week actually, $200 heh

ive been waitying weeks for my account to get approved there.

they have been slacking, talk to iank he’s an admin there

and re-reading the ebay auction, it says the lens is crappy, so plan on a new one

that’s why I was asking about the lens. I figure the one that comes with will give her something to play with, but I plan to get a second, nicer one. what lens do you guys use?

also for flash is there one unit that is better then another or is that something that doesn’t really matter as long as it works?

and pirite if you have ps cs4 I would love a copy :slight_smile:

D70s is a pretty solid body. Ditch that Tamron thing though, the biggest downfall to any set-up is poor glass, which that most certainly is. Id go for the nikon 18-70mm. Its a very well rounded lens, and will make for a great combo for her to learn with.

This lens?

also what flash?

Yes that’s the lens he is referring to.

Ian will more than likely recommend an SB800 for a speedlight. Whatever you do, don’t get the POS sunpack or whatever offbrand flashes. They are terrible!

The SB800 is a great speedlight, and has some extra cool features above the SB600, but there’s a decent gap in pricing. All depends on how much you’re willing to spend and how much you’ll use it.

^ Wrd. These days im all about pushing off camera flash techniques, but that is another whole thing in it self. If your going to be focused on the basics with one flash and such the SB800 is a good choice for multi purpose use. However a lot of what your paying for in the SB 800 is its abilities off camera. If that where the focus, id suggest other methods/set-ups. Basically what im rambling on about, is i think it may be better for her skill level and your wallet to just go with an SB600 and learn to use creative diffusion techniques. Hot-shoed it is just as capable as the 800, and in the hands of most shooters it will yield the same results.

She has been paid to do weddings/anniversary party’s and everyone she has done them for has been thrilled with her work. usually we will both rove around with point and shoots. but I give her my SD when we are done and let her do her thing.

the camera and lens and flash are all to help her look more professional, be able to have more fun learn with her hobby. at this point she saved 1k to drop on the camera and accessories. shes gotten the camera for 330, and the lens you recommended for 150.
Im going to look into the flash now. anything else?

I believe she is also signing up for that web forum mentioned above

yah, That’s mine and ILC’s site. It has so little activity on it. I think I might try getting more people from here (Hawaii) to join it. IDK.

Id say thats a pretty solid setup and will serve her well until its justifiable to upgrade. Which i might add gets VERY expensive. But for now id suggest for her to focus on learning the in’s and out’s of the hobby, as well and learning to use the set-up she has to the max. I’ll list some of the resources I like for general photo info: - Well rounded forum. Dope classified section. - Very low traffic, we’re working on it. - Prob my favorite photo forum, tons of diverse shooters, lots of awesome work. - Focuses mainly on more advanced lighting styles, good for when she gets there. - Always a good place to host photos, Find cool/diverse shooters, Get feedback ext. - Advanced lighting discussion again… - Torrent link to the Nikon school for creative lighting DVD with Bob Christ and Joe Mcnally. I LOVE this DVD for learning lighting basics. I’ll be the first to admit its a bit dry, but the info is so valuable for learning the basics of creative lighting, especially if your going to be using nikon speed-lights.

Another way I have come across a lot of good resources is to find photographers who’s work you admire, or who’s posts you have found to be informative. Often times they will have personal blogs, and they will post in depth info on there work. I have learned a ton of popular styles and techniques this way. Shoot a TON and dont be afraid to ask questions or for feedback. Also feel free to contact me personally if you’d like. GL to her.


I forgot all about that website. I should start visiting more often.

she is signing up as user name gsrprincess. if you want to approve her :slight_smile:

and Ian, I was and will keep looking for you for advice. maybe when you do a car shoot ill bring the camara and look for pointer from you :slight_smile:

Id be happy to have you guys along. I will say though, that my photography is very much photoshop/diverse style based. Basically Its mediocre composure complimented by advanced lighting, diverse shooting styles and extensive PS work. So overall prob not the best way for most to learn but im always good for basic tips an pointers LOL