My house as well as a few others in the south hills and my neghborhood got robbed and attempted B&E’s on friday and through out the weekend. They took nothing but cash,coins, my coin jar and family gold coins of ours worth alot! Police got no good prints but got a hair and two neighbors saw the vehicle, so please pay attention… It is a older plymouth/chrysler K car, maroon in color and semi faded with trust on the hood, two white trash looking people in it, one a man who looks greasy and the other a woman with red hair. PLEASE KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THIS CAR since their are not too many of them around!
I have personal police friends in dif townships keeping an eye out but i ma asking you the public as well and if you see this car please call the police and get the license number and PM me.
Thats bullshit…I will deffinately be on the lookout. Try looking at pawn shops for your coins. They cought one guy last week robbing houses in BP thought this was over. Got some 00buck for them if i see them
Got 00 buck yesterday and a shiny new predator 12 gauge home edition. They did catch that guy, he also robbed a neighbors house, but these are new robberies
Bethel Park, they been hitting around here, south park, baldwin and surroundings