My JDM Suzuki Joy Pop

I was looking for a winter car and i didnt feel like driving my B18 EG6 again so I got me a Suzuki Joy Pop. Its a little van the size of a king size bed. Its got a 550cc engine and has a top speed of 115km but if there are winds of 20km and higher it slowes me down to about 70km. Haha. I love it though and it will be a nice demo car when some work gets into it.

Hahhaha, cool. It’s almost as skinny as a Smart.

4wd? wicked. How much did it cost?

Neat car. Reminds me of why they buy those vehicles in Australia. Marketing, fuel economy, utility.

around $3000 from Lon…great deal for a JDM 4wd winter car

Kick ass, 4WD Toaster

Hate to say it but… Do any parts from a USDM vehicle cross-over to that platform??Otherwise, good luck fixing it when something goes wrong… Murphy’s Law dictates that something will go wrong… In due time.

Good Luck!

Holy Microvan Batman! And they said the Samauri was prone to rollovers!

Thanks. Also Ive looked at the diffs on the samauri and they look identical. Im pretty sure I can even take the 1.3L and throw her in but I think I can find the 660cc turbo in Japan for around $300 + shipping. I dont think it will be too big of an issue to get parts and this one has a new water pump and timing belt. But I getting some ATV wheels and I will paint her up when I get the time to do it. Its soooo slow though but I get WAY more looks in this than in my Silvia. Its pretty fun the see peoples faces when this toster drive by.

P.S. Sorry about the gangsta picture but I dont have the program to compress.

that thin is pretty cool for a tony minivan …but beware of hills or anything that will require any kind of power …

Sorry, that pic was pissing me off.

The Alto Works Turbo 660 can be made to put out about 130hp without too much effort, that should help perk that thing up nicely! :smiley:

P.S. I have some nice AE86 Corolla wheels that would look kick ass on that! :smiley:

Jeeez… Just swap in an SR20 and we’ll make that little bastard scare the hell outa some back-country hick with their Impala’s and such :wink:

Thanks chromedragon. I already got some pimp ATV wheels on the way with some nobbies. Then I will stud them. Haha

I thaught of the SR20 but that will never fit and still allow me to fit in the front seat so I was pondering of my B18C with a turbo with the CRV drive line. Peaple will get scared when it hits v-tec and then they will be wtf was that???

After all is it really worth puting more than paint and wheels on somthing like that? I have a friend that does crazy systems and compeated in world finals for a couple things and he wants to buy it off me in spring and use it as his demo car for his buisness. If so it will deffonatly be a show car with dvd and all that crazy shit that will just make it slower up the hills :slight_smile: