My Last HOORAH 9/16


i’ll come out for a little while :tup:

edit: only if you’ll sing bing bong with me

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAH i am so there… i am actually singing it as we speak…the only reason i am singing it is cause nobody is home. SO i don’t look like a total moron…

I’ll be there.

what fuckin bar u gonna be at

lol shut up goose…

prob a few places. most of the night i will be at liars and 42… then we will see where everybody else feels like going

ya buckin buffalo i know a few waitresses there, but i hate country m,usic so i wont go there

ahaha… we can go there…see shaynaaaaaa LOL

we’ve gotta go to buckin’ to see my favorite person <3 - D.

and skunk your riding the buffalo thing

dammit man, i’m… here :tdown:

I’ll give you a call when I get into town. I should be good for atleast a few drinks :slight_smile:

hahaha… yea. no way in hell i am riding the buffalo. I may be drunk as hell… but i still know when i’llmake an ass outta myself LOL

bump for the upcoming weekend.

and bump for wed.


i got us a dd so let the obnoxious drunkeness occur

HAHAHAHHAAH uh oh… that is not gonna be good LOL

Ill be there

also going to be celebrating taurusho bday

word… and kyle (k-KUuuH-V) has his b-day that weekend also…

good thing i got some extra hrs last week

I would definitely be in attendance…but i am moving 4 days before you, lol…
im sure it will be a blast/ruckus as per usual :wink: