My Last HOORAH 9/16

I’m sure I will be out to help say goodbye to the best Skunk evar :wink: lol


i would go but i have too many dicks to eat, good luck :tup:


thanks my little kevin…

you will be missed

ill be out after brewfest, probably slighty intoxicated

HAHAHA intoxicated spencer is the BEST!!!1 :lol:

I am there bro. <3

And I think I may be out for the whole night after all.




that is all.

who else just got a erection

<----- this girl

bumppppp for this weekend :slight_smile:


alright… it’s tomorrow night. I wanna see LOTS of people out!!!

yo yo…

i will be crossing the border around 1pm… and hittin up josh’s place in teh afternoon…

when is this shit starting?

i have a wedding to go to on sunday, an important one so maybe i’ll get in on teh early festivities and beat it before the drunken tom-foolery goes down.

where can i buy a sack of sour-keys?

well iam getting aaron prolly at 10 30 then were heading down

i’m there at 11 o clock. and i aint leavin’ till 6 in the mornin’

i suck, skunk we will miss j00

Aaron calllllll me. I dont have your number anymore, my old phone died.
