My Little Piggy FTW ( Pictures )

Hey, As most of you know I purchased a 180sx, but I love bacon, so here is my new look. yes, I know I need a lip, and my rims look gay, but its on its way, oh and coil overs :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me know what you think, I really care what you think. Sarcasm was not ment.
Link is being gay

looks good man gotta love jdm cars so clean.


pignose ftmfw, chuki sucks !

Yes lmfao, you know it man!!!

ive got a lip forsale if your interested…

Fotr sure im interested, How much do piggy lips go for?

Piggy lips can range anywhere from $50 - $100 I’d say.

Congratz on the pignose bro, I love it, but personally it looks the best on white
with the stock black nostrils! luckily yours is a white car so your in luck to paint it! miss mine! :wink:

Pignose FTMFW!

I agree with Red Line, on light colors, paint the nostrils. If its a black one or a gray one, paint it the same color as the car.

Looks good but when you get the lip take everything off and paint it!

Hahah. Another pignose 180. Goooooood.

Mine was an 89, so I think it came with a pignose originally… however I would have swapped it back regardless.

pignose FTMFW

Yea white240 i love your car man, Zenki Love :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks guys, i need to mount it properly, and get myself a lip

Looks good noice!

im so happy you did this, I would be doing the same if i was not going to put a s14 kouki front i would already be there.

:stuck_out_tongue: konovo lol, means alot coming from you, i love ur 180sx aswell, im getting closer and closer, now i need new fenders, and a hatch, or repair mine, then comes all the fun aftermarket stuff like coilovers, and Meshies :stuck_out_tongue: