My local feline friend

Since we moved out here this summer, there’s been a local cat kinda kickin’ around the neighborhood. I see in my yard from time to time, and around other yards every now and again. He / she is not really causing me any issues, actually I prefer to have him around as he can only help with our local rodent population. Not really approachable and I would assume it doesn’t belong to anyone. Here’s my issue:

I’d like to have it around but don’t want it to suffer and freeze this winter. I came out the door this morning and he was curled up and sleeping against the house, obviously trying to avoid the cold wind. Was a little slow to get up and move around, and I think he was kind of confused when he woke. I can’t bring him in the house (we already have one and I’m not even sure if this one is feral) but I don’t want to call someone who is just going to trap him and kill him.

My only thought right now is to build him a quick little “shelter” of some sort and maybe put out some food for him now and again. I also don’t want to put out food that could feed the rodents, but I think he’s been snapping up the “trophies” I’ve been snagging in the traps inside the house. I’m kinda at a point of confusion. Your thoughts?

I found Terry’s thread on this a few months back but I’m not sure where it ended up. Based on most of the posts, I don’t think the SPCA is an option and when I went to their website, I think I was only confused about their standpoint on this.

Build it a box and shelter, my mom and I did this for a cat that camps out on her porch and is trying to constantly get in…seems like a great little cat, very, very friendly…

I’m going to pour a little foundation, erect some little 2 x 4 walls, roofing, maybe a small window, perhaps some radiant electric heat, and a security system. I’ll probably get busted by the building department, get fined, and have my property taxes go up. My luck, something else will take to it and the cat will be back at square one.

I see no cat pictures. In for cheezburgers

the farmers across the street from me use a plywood box, maybe 2’x3’ wide with a little opening with hay inside of it for their barn cats to lay in. Can you look at it’s rear to see if it’s neutered? Might be someones pet that ran away especially if it’s friendly. there’s a WNY Petalert page on Facebook for lost/found pets.

Indoor cats don’t know how to survive outdoors and will most likely die… Here’s my little buddy that I posted about last year.
He’s hyperthyroid and would’ve died for sure if we didn’t take him in. Had to get him checked for feline leukemia etc… before interacting with our cats though. He’s taught our girls a lot actually. Mostly how to get along with other cats and animals in general. I’m pretty happy he found us. Our kitties had terrible cat social skills and he taught them to not be stupid bitches.
If it’s a feral it should look really really fluffy by now. Not like a normal house cat.

He also has his ear tips damaged from sunburn so he’ll most likely get cancer at some point in the near future… So we’re just enjoying the time we have with him.
For now they get scabby and bleed if he scratches them or one of our girls hits him… that’s why his arm is stained like that.

I’d start by building something cheap and small that you can just place on the porch. If the car ends up sticking around maybe next winter build it a nicer cat hotel.

Box with a lightbulb works great

Let it in your house. :fu:

I have no feral car issues at this point. I came up with an idea of taking a plastic storage tote, flipping it upside down, and doing the straw and light bulb thing. I can also put something over the top to add extra insulation. Cougar, if you could get my wife to let him in the house, your powers would be limitless.

When I was a kid my dad rigged up a box built up against one of the basement window frames. Insulated, light bulb and interior access via the casement window. It was dubbed the “cat condo”

Good idea. Unfortunately I not willing to invest in digging a basement to have a window so the original idea sounds more appealing. Wonder if I could split off my TW cable line and pipe in the animal channel or that cat fixer guy with the sideburns.:slight_smile:


Good idea. Unfortunately I not willing to invest in digging a basement to have a window so the original idea sounds more appealing. Wonder if I could split off my TW cable line and pipe in the animal channel or that cat fixer guy with the sideburns.:slight_smile:

My mom took a rubbermaid bin with the top still on, cut a doorway into the side, put some old blankets in there, and put it behind the bushes where the front of the house protected it somewhat from the elements. There was a local stray that was outside all winter and would look longingly at the house. The cat loved the new bed. After about 6 months of coaxing the cat came right up to her, and after that didn’t fear a single person or even the dogs. She’s been an indoors permanently for several years, best cat ever. Her ear is marked so she was a rescue/someones pet at one point before.

Sounds like a happy ending. Not sure we’ll end up with another housemate but I hope I can at least get him through the winter and see what happens after that.

My landlord sets up cat condos for the neighborhood strays as well. He uses a large tupperware box with some thinner insulation in it, then places a slightly smaller box inside. Seems to work well! The cats are pretty chubby too, probably all the downtown rats haha

If any of them are pregnant, I believe he has a number of a local cat group that will trap them and take them in. I think they offer the same service (catch/release) for spay/neutering

Get the kitty some tunafish. Half of a can on a plate.

Moar cat pics!

This thread went MUCH better than the skunk thread. Phew.