I need help.( Neighbor is a scum bag).

Does anyone on here or know someone who works at the SPCA or Buffalo Animal Control? I need help before I snap out and do something I know I will regret…

My problem is my neighbor next door to me in N.Buffalo has well over 10 cats if not more who all live outside in his old cars and garage. They are not your little friendly indoor cat. Also his lower appt is also home to more cats.
My problem is that these cats keep coming on to my yard and shitting all over the place, and like to go on mine and my GF’s car. Not to mention I already have a number of scrathes on my hood which was just painted last year. I’m so fvcking sick and tired of having to pick up cat shit and not to mention my new car cover has a rip in it and smells like cat piss. I have fvcking had it…
These guys cats are becoming my problem which I feel is very unfare. Last year I called the SPCA and they would not do shit. So I called the Buffalo Animal control, No help there either. So I called the helth Dept, which they came out and told the guy he could not keep food outside for the cats, which he still fvcking does… But I’m about ready to go on a fvcking cat killing spree…

Do it. I’ll provide an alibi. Say you were working with me today.

You need to move, time to buy a house with a garage

I’m not buying a house. I also don’t think I should have to move because I have a scum bag next door to me. I want to fix the problem not run from it.

jsut call the SPCA u dont nee to knwo anyone…they are hardcore about animal car…there is legally a limit on the amt of pets u can have…i just dont know the number…trust me they will be glad to come out and get some cats

Ok, well you can borrow my bb and pellet guns. Hell Ill do it for you if the price is right.

dogs like antifreeze, maybe cats too?

Yeah there has to be some legal limit on the amount of cats you can have in one household. Its probably 2 or something like that. Find that out then go to the proper authorities

I have called then a number of times. And they tell me that they cant do anything. And I need to call Buffalo Animal Control…
I told them the cats have no heat or anything and it’s winter and they are living outside. They did not want to hear it… So the SPCA is a fvcking joke if you ask me.

Step 1: Spell fucking with a U.

Step 2: Call the police, let them deal with it.

i don’t know how much of an asshole you want to be but you could poison their food since he leaves it outside. It would be really hard to prove you did it.

get a dog that like to eat cats…or a bb gun

it’s not the cats fault, it’s the owners fault. Punish the right party.

You already called the authorities and no luck

One word


poison the neighbor?? It sounds like he’s tried contacting everyone he can to help and not getting anywhere.

Maybe get some of those posts that put out the high frequency sound that humans cant hear, they’re used to scare away moles and stuff. Maybe they would work on cats too. Or have your g/f scratch your arm, call the police and say one of the cats attacked you and you want to press charges.

step one: go to dicks sporting goods

step 2: purchase a .22 caliber gun

step 3: sit and wait for cats to come on your car

step 4: have fun

Get this shit on video take him to small claims court.

I’ve heard that crushed red pepper will keep them out of your landscaping, but I don’t know about keeping them out of your yard entirely.

I don’t want to suggest anything that will surely kill them, but I can’t see what you can do to make them just stay off your property. Maybe get a dog? :slight_smile:

I would think the city would do something about this. Not the SPCA. I know licenses for dogs go through the city.


Get rid of that cat ! I know you want to string the neighbor’s cat up to a very tall tree, but you may get into more trouble than it is worth. Lawsuits and fines can be a real pain, but you can still dream. I hope to help you fulfill the dream of having a cat free environment.

Place this device between your cat and the neighbor’s cat or dog to prevent them from fighting. If the nuisance walks into the vision field of this device it will go off and send him running. It does not harm the animal, but it sure will scare it.

Use our automatic device to protect you car. Finding cat tracks all over my clean car really pops my cork. Just one scratch can depreciate the value of a car by several hundred dollars. Why do they always choose YOUR car and not the one parked in the driveway where they live???

There is NO reason for a person to keep 15+ cats in one single house, no reason

Obviously your neighbor is mentally ill

You called the authorities and they did jack about it. Buy some cat food put some poison in it and put it in your backyard.