My London Photos

friend zoned fggt

If you really want her to want you back, go out and bang random broads while you’re there.

She is definitely being gang banged by english guys RIGHT NOW.

just sayin.

I would never agree to go on a trip with an Ex, especially to Europe. Even if it was pre planned while we were dating. F that.

We have been broken up since may and it wasn’t pre-planned. I figured I could possibly win her back but she is totally gone from what I can gather. (but when else would I have free room and board in london, right?). for some reason I can not let go. she keeps saying “I love you still and we are best friends but I am not attracted to you anymore” I need to find a way to get over her (banging random broads wont help). I told her after I get home I dont want to talk to her all the time anymore, maybe once a month.


Your mindset is your problem. As long as you are still trying to win her back she will never be attracted to you. I’m telling you, your only chance is to go out and start macking game. Shit, if anything, make her come along and be a wingman, if she’s hot that should work very well.

she isnt HOT hot, but a girl wingman wouldnt work anyways, all the girls would think I am with her. lol. I want to go out so bad tonight and mack some hoes. lol, but I dont know anyone and she is over the ‘going out’ scene. So am I kind of, but its still fun once in a while.

Besides, I dont have enough game to go it alone.

A girl wingman does work. When you approach other girls they immediately know that you have some resemblance of game and aren’t a total creeper cause you have a halfway decent girl talking to you. If you’re waiting on them to approach you you’re likely not gonna get any either way, but if youre doing the approaching then having someone with you helps you look more confident. Use her words against her and tell her that if she’s going to be a good friend like she wants to be she should come out and be a team player. If you’re lucky, some subconscious jealousy might come out in her that she didn’t know she had if she sees you going after other fish in the sea instead of pining over her, and make her realize she misses you more than she thought.

lol, ill give that a shot if the situation arises. I am pretty much done with getting her back, at least for a while.

fml, 275 pictured of Wales and Bath. this is gonna take a bit

i have a feeling that if you dress well and go to a bar by yourself, as an american, who is in london alone “on business” (wink wink), you could probably strike up a conversation with any random euro chick without even seeming remotely creepy.

unless, of course, you’re a creepy dude. then you’ll probably seem creepy.

get that far and just let the drinks take over, go back to her place since you’re staying in a “hotel”, wake up the next day and say “wow, i’m really enjoying my vacation on the other side of the world now!”

back on topic, i wanna see more pictures of old castles, inside if possible. :slight_smile:


Girl wingman ftw

Great pics :tup:

Good luck with said broad :tup:

It worked out in the end of Eurotrip maybe you have a chance?

London is chock full of gorgeous women and you are a fool to not take advantage of your position.

I guarantee she is. Don’t kid yourself.


lol, that doesnt really make the pictures any better

Yes it would. Why would you want them on a resolution so large most people can’t see them. Is there any reason they can’t be 640x480? Are you really adding anything to the pictures by having them that large? No. And scaling them down will reduce the prominence of the noise issue.

Oh, and grow a pair.

Wow. Poor guy. Grow a pair. Don’t go across the fucking ocean for a chick that says “I love you but I’m not attracted to you.” That translates to “I’m a greedy whore that would rather string you along than feel guilty by hurting you.”

Do both of you a favor and ditch her. Find a hostel or a cheap hotel for the rest of your stay. Try to nail an english broad with the truth “I came across the sea for a girl I loved, only to be rejected. I’m not bitter, I wish her well. Now what’s your name?”

ok. I finally got around to the last of the pictures…

Chepstow Castle:

Tintern abbey:

caer llan bed and breakfast where we stayed while out to Wales/bath

evo VII MR at the house next to the bed and breakfast

sweet english bull terrier at the same house as the evo

at/around the b&b

Bath, UK

Roman Hot Spring Baths

Flight Home:

the baths are so awesome. did you see all the nasty mold that looks like rotten eggs though? hahah

nice shots.what a cool trip for you. in my younger years i travelled often in europe due to my father doing alot of international business. i wish i could go back at my age now(as an adult), i’d appreciate it more

ı was just ın oxford and london for a few days… and that post about pıckıng up gırls remınded me what happened 2 weeks ago. ı was wıth another amerıcan who ı met ın oxford. and for lıke an hour he was walkıng around the streets late at nıght sayıng he ıs new and lookıng for a good bar (to any drunk chıcks) they were all excıted to meet us but ı thınk he started thıs attempt too late at nıght… In the mıdeast now much more excıtıng; cheap, and frıendlıer people!