My name is Boxxy!

totally hot needs a dick in her mouth though…I posted her in the Emo/jalibait thread.


somewhat…i posted this video in the Emo/Scene thread in the NSFW section

Less annoying than the high pitched kid but still annoying.

I can’t believe her parents haven’t smothered her with a pillow.

i doubt that is really how she talks

Kermit watching the boxxy vid:

lol. She defintitely needs a dick in her mouth to shut her the hell up.

naw dude
dude naw

no it really is, I know a few guys like her :frowning:
it’s tiring to be around, physically draining

That’s what I was feeling when watching that. Someone needs to enter her in the BME pain olympics.

lol, you guys are all retarded. the poor girl has ADHD. But i do think she is very cute.

she clearly claimed she did not have ADD/ADHD!

lol, you believe girls when they say they are virgins too?

oh yeah my ex girlfriend was pretty much like this

you just want to kill yourself sometimes, sometimes it’s cute. a lot of the time u just want the world to end

My roommate was diagnosed with severe ADD and she doesn’t act like that at all. You can’t just use that as an excuse for people who are socially inept and/or crackheads.

anyone care to find the pics of her from the jailbate/emo thread? that could be great.

LOL at kermit with the jergins.

ADD is different from ADHD

wow… because ADD is the same as ADHD, and ADD is the same in every person… :picard:

Exactly neither is a disorder IMO…you can’t sit still? Name three people that can (not including dead people or people who have no other option).

annoying voice.

i somehow thought this thread was about me or something.