my new car build

Can complain about shit gaskets though lol

its not the opti .if it was the oil would come out the cap ,this is behind it ya can see it wit a pen light and mirror


its a seal not a paper gasket

I love optis! Mine makes a nice scraping noise…and its a new one!

if it shits a msd will go in

msd ftmfw

good looking car dooode:eek3

i know thats why i bought it,the flatbed was sexy to wasnt it

Get that thing detailed all pretty like, so at least ya can limp back to the lot with your tail between your legs and look good:lol:tongue


it was it was one of the cleaner flat beds around the capital district…

thats right

aint no Dawsons rig. :number1

kinetic is clean as hell shiny black and stays like that,fuck dawsons there trucks are slow.lolololol

i dont like dawsons…just something about some of the ppl that work there

gotta get a bobar or pearlman truck :rofl

theirs are a bunch of junkers.

My Vette goes good with a Dawsons rig, ask how I know…lol

sucks for you, ive got no complaints.


Back to John’s car getting schooled!