My new Death Machine.

take it easy on that thing man, you jus’ a lil guy haha…deff a nice bike, ride safe dude

Joey, how does this compare to riding a dirtbike lol. I know you have a lot of experience with those. Do certain concepts pass from dirt to tarmac or is it a completely different animal?

Nice bike man. I’ve never seen a 954 with the undertail exhaust like that. Enjoy it!

Throttle on right.

Clutch on the left.

That’s the only similarity? :rofl

Yeah, like Vlad said there’s really no other similarities :rofl …not to mention the power difference.

Thanks man, and yeah I guess that undertail MIG exhaust is a rare piece for the 954’s.

Great taste. One of my favorite bikes of all time

Nice stuff!

and the concept of ballance lol but its still a bit different cause it weighs 2-3x as much :lol

I can ride a dirt bike can I haz Liter bike for first ride too?

Nice lookin bike, call me when you need plastics repainted.

JK, man, keep it safe and pay the fuck attention on that thing. no fucking joke.

Sick bike joey, i have faith that you will be safe. Just watch out for other clowns on the road

Be Safe!!! Always wear protection! :lol

oh boy

no way

954’s are slow, you’ll be fine.

Nice bike man. Not that I have a bike, but just dont ride outside of your abilities/comfort zone and im sure you will be fine

You don’t have a choice or riding within your abilities when you’re put into a panic situation and are forced to make moves regarding of you having the skills to pull them off or not. Been there, done that, and no not regarding any incident I’ve ever had, going back to the first year of my riding.

Very nice pick up my friend had one for his first bike and let the power get the better of him and it wound up in pieces on wolf road. I sincerely hope this doesn’t happen to you. Just remember always respect the machine and ride within your limits. I would also suggest a basic riding class. I took mine last summer even after a season and a half and about 6k miles of ridding and still learned some good pointers. Just my 2 cents and once again very nice machine.

I disagree, 954’s are fast just some people who ride them are slow :ohnoes


I keel you.