My New GSX-R 600

The chain was within spec when I picked it up but its loose enough now that it hits the swing arm (the dealer told me it would loosen up a bit). It just needs to be tightened a little bit. I was looking at a Raven R6 but decieded on the Gixxer because I felt more comfortable on it and I like that it has the integrated signals in the back. I’ve never been too partial on sport bikes I like all of them.

Right now I don’t plan on doing much night riding but I do want to put some kind of license plate light on it. Any suggestions? I might break down and get a fender eliminator kit but after all the start up costs I’m feeling pretty frugal.

I definately chuckled at the “Chicken Strips” comment. I anticipated some ragging on, I was actually expecting a “squid” comment or “thats too much bike for a beginner.” I just want to get out and enjoy it safely and learn as much as possible.

Just make sure to wear good gear and ride within your limits, no one is ever gonna rip on you for being safe.

I used this housing, in black, and took out the 2 side led’s and just had the one shining on the plate. Mine were white leds not blue but this is the only pic I could find.

Worked super good. Get some 3m automotive tape to hold it on and use iso. alcohol to clean the area really good and it will not come off.

Then you can run the wire up, go between the plastics, drill a hole, or what I did was drill a hole through the center of a bolt and run it up into the underseat area to the fuse box.

Looks good. Be safe.

my chain loosed up quite a bit after a few hundred miles, normal for any new bike.

Def nice looking bike. Glad your taking that course. A lot of people don’t take it and when you try to show off and ride out of your limits thats when you and others can get hurt. Respect the bike also. Take your time and you’ll be fine. Enjoy it.

unless you ride like a pussy… then they’ll really rip on you. especially chris.
