My New GSX-R 600

Really excited to get out and ride this thing. I just took off the stock under tail and I have to tighten the chain. I find myself looking for reasons to go outside and stare at it, like this morning i was pumped to take the trash out.

great looking bike man, love the color combo on it. what are the future plans for upgrades?

Looks hot man, I love black and white bikes.

Looks great.

Remember a loose chain is better than a tight one…

I will probably just clean it up a bit put on a slip on exhaust.

Nice, what other bikes have you had? Where did you get it from?

Holy chicken strips batman!

Lol, nice pickup man, be safe.

Thats a really hot bike.

First bike so I’m taking it easy. Im taking the Ride with Pride course next month. lol at the chicken stripes comment, the thing had about 24 miles on it when those pictures were taken.

about 78 miles on it now. new plate holder

Not bad, good choice on the MSF class :tup:

Looks great.

Usually not the biggest gixxer fan but that’s a great looking bike. :tup:

looking good. had an 06 gixxer 600 a few months back and currently have an 06 gixxer 750

Nice looking bike.

SWEET! Love all white bikes. The stock pipe is simply gross though.

why did you tighten the chain already, figured the dealer woulda done that outta the box

either way i hope your suzuki ends up better for you, i wanted to crash an airplane into my old one

Tell me you didn’t name your bike White Deion.

nice bike… as stated… go easy on the chain tightening… :wink:

i hated Gixxers for a little while but they started to look good to me again. Anyway. Good choice on the class. Specially if you are a new rider. Dont listen to the haters riping on you about the chicken strips. Give it time and they will be gone. Its better to have big chicken strips then smashed fairings. Am I right? Take it easy on the chain. Keep it within spec because over tightenign it can cause some premature damage.

Lol. I, in no way shape or form “ripped” on him for his chicken strips.

Just throwing that out there.